Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Note 676128 - Product allocations: Product allocation assignment check



You execute the correction report 'Correct product allocation assignment'.
You can find the report in the SAP Menu under 'Advanced Planning andOptimization' -> 'Global ATP' -> 'Environment' -> 'Product Allocations' -> 'Repairs'.

Other terms

Product allocation, APO product allocation assignment, ATP, QUOT, report: /SAPAPO/RMQUOT_USAGE_CHECK, /SAPAPO/SAPLATPQ_REPAIR

Reason and Prerequisites

  • The incoming orders quantity is the total of the reserved product allocation quantities in a period. The incoming orders quantity cannot be assigned to any individual document. The incoming orders quantity is stored in the same time series as the product allocation quantity.

You can normally display the incoming orders quantity in the planning tool (for example, Demand Planning) together with the product allocation quantity. It should not be manually changeable there.

The incoming orders quantity is subtracted from the product allocation quantity in the product allocation check. The rest is available to the document that was just checked.

If the incoming orders quantity is greater than the product allocation quantity in a period, the product allocation quantities in the adjacent periods are reduced in accordance with the product allocation settings.

If the incoming orders quantity was manually reduced (or not fully updated), this may result in an overconfirmation when you change the document during the repeated availability check.

  • The product allocation assignment is equivalent to a where-used list of the product allocation quantity. The product allocation assignment is stored for each item (for which a product allocation check was carried out).

The product allocation assignment is created when you execute the product allocation in the availability check. The product allocation assignment is always assigned exactly to the time series (special time series or collective product allocation time series) that was used during the check.

The product allocation assignment can be displayed in the product allocation time series display (transaction /SAPAPO/AC42) by double-clicking on the incoming orders quantity. The system first displays all users of the selected period. From there, you can display the entire product allocation assignment for each item.

  • A time series is used in the product allocation to store the product allocation quantity (available quantity) and the incoming orders quantity.

It is identified by a characteristics combination. The product allocation group defines which characteristics are used for this.

  • A characteristics directory, which includes all allowed or defined characteristics combinations, is managed for each product allocation group.

The characteristics directory is used to assign the product allocation time series to the planning time series when you transfer or copy the time series from the Demand Planning.

The check terminates with an error if no defined characteristics combination is found during the product allocation. If the characteristics combination is defined, but no time series or an empty time series is maintained, no quantity is confirmed for this item.

When you search for characteristics combinations or time series, the system only takes into account those with the 'active' status (normal product allocation) and the 'neutral' status (pure update - the quantity requested in the product allocation is completely confirmed). Time series with the 'inactive' status are interpreted as undefined.

You can display and maintain the characteristics directory in transaction /SAPAPO/ATPQ_CHKCHAR. However, you can only create characteristics combinations using the planning tool.

  • Collective product allocations are time series with specific characteristic values. To avoid having to define every possible characteristic combination (as otherwise the check terminates with an error) or having to maintain time series for each of these characteristics combinations, you can use collective product allocations.

If no time series is found for the characteristics combination from the document currently being checked, the last characteristic of the combination is filled with a wildcard character and the characteristics list is then checked again. The search continues until a characteristics combination has been found or all the characteristics have been replaced.

    • If no characteristics combination is found, the check terminates with an error (see above)
    • If a characteristics combination is found, the check is carried out against this combination (see above).

The search for collective product allocation is only carried out at the beginning of the product allocation and is independent of the check result.
Therefore, if an insufficient quantity is found in a time series (the allocation is exhausted), no search is triggered for (additional) collective product allocations.

You can activate the use of collective product allocations for each product allocation step by specifying the wildcard character.
You can use transaction /SAPAPO/ATPQ_COLLECT to generate or add to the characteristics combinations of the collective product allocations.

The total of all product allocation time series (including the collective product allocation) in a product allocation group corresponds to total available quantity in a period.

  • You can change the status of a characteristics combination while the system is running. If you set the status of a special time series (no collective product allocation) to 'inactive', it is no longer visible within the product allocation. The check searches for a collective product allocation and then uses it for the check.

By hiding the time series, you also reduce the total available quantity (see above). You can therefore 'simultaneously' hide the time series and repost the allocations from the hidden time series to the collective product allocation time series (manually, in the planning tool).
However, if product allocations were already taken from the special (now hidden) time series, the corresponding portion is missing in the incoming orders quantity of the collective product allocation time series. These reposted product allocation quantities of the collective product allocation could therefore be debited again.

When you change the status of the characteristic combinations or in the case of those correction possibilities described in the following, the system asks you whether you want to repost these product allocation assignments. The system then reposts the product allocation assignment from the special hidden time series to the next more general 'active' collective product allocation time series.

This transfer posting is only necessary if the product allocation quantities were also reposted in the planning accordingly. If the system only reposted the free product allocation quantities, it is not necessary to repost the product allocation assignment.

In this case, the assignment of the product allocation assignment for the special time series does not disappear (this only applies to the product allocation assignments posted before the status change). You can reactivate the hidden time series. In this case, the correction report takes their product allocation assignments from the collective product allocation time series again and posts them into the special time series.

If a check is run against the special time series when you create a document and against the collective product allocation time series when you change a document, the product allocation assignment is reposted from the special time series to the more general time series. If you reactivate the special time series, you can no longer repost this assignment into it.
Therefore, reposting only allows generalization but not specialization. You can only achieve specialization by using another check, for example, backorder processing (BOP).

Of course, you can also set the status for collective product allocation time series. If a collective product allocation time series is 'hidden', the system searches for a more general time series during the search for a defined characteristic combination (as described above).


You can use the report to compare (and, if necessary, to correct) the product allocation assignment and the incoming orders quantity.
The sum of the product allocation assignments of a period is generally equal to the incoming orders quantity in the time series.
You can use the report to check (and, if necessary, correct) this consistency under different aspects. You have the following options:

  • Assignment without incoming orders quantity
    The total of the product allocation assignments in a period is compared to the incoming orders quantity in a time series. The result of this comparison is displayed with a traffic light.
    • green Both quantities correspond.
    • yellow The incoming orders quantity is greater than the total of the product allocation assignments.
      This situation may occur, for example, as a result of a relocation of the product allocation from R/3 into APO. The incoming orders quantity could also have been deliberately increased to reserve a product allocation quantity.
    • red The incoming orders quantity is smaller than the product allocation assignment.
      This situation may occur if you manually reduced or did not fully update the incoming orders quantity.

To correct the incorrect periods, you must select all periods of a time series. Use the 'Combine product allocation assignment' function ('Goto' in the menu, or the button) to flag the selected time series for repair.

Then use the 'Execute' function to start repairing the flagged time series.
The system asks:

    • whether you want to transfer the product allocation assignment for the incoming orders quantity.
    • whether you want to add the product allocation assignment of inactive time series for the incoming orders quantity of the more general collective product allocation time series (as described above).
  • Incoming orders quantity without assignment
    The system checks whether the time series contains incoming order quantities to which no product allocation assignment is assigned (also see the yellow traffic light under the section 'Assignment without incoming orders quantity').

The display and functions are identical to those in 'Assignment without incoming orders quantity'.

  • Assignment without order item
    The system checks whether there are product allocation assignments that cannot be assigned to any item.

This situation may occur if the order documents are incompletely deleted (for example, due to notes being incompletely imported) or already archived.

There are two different options for the repair (the deletion):

    • You can either delete only the product allocation assignment (Menu: 'Goto' -> 'Delete individual assignment') without adjusting the time series. The relevant incoming order quantities are then displayed with yellow traffic lights with one of the above options the next time you run this report.

The product allocation quantity assigned up to now remains assigned and cannot be used by other documents. If the items were archived, this procedure is correct.

    • Alternatively, you can delete the product allocation assignment with incoming orders quantity (Menu: 'Goto' -> 'Delete individual assignment with IO quantity'). The incoming order quantity of the relevant time series is reduced accordingly.

As a result, the product allocation quantity assigned up to now is released and can be used by other documents. If the item was not fully deleted, this procedure is correct. Otherwise, this may result in overassignments (if the product allocation quantity can be 'achieved' in accordance with the consumption settings).

The entries selected for repair are flagged with one of these two functions. You can then use the 'Execute' function to start deleting these characteristics combinations or to repair the affected time series.
As described above, the system asks you whether you want to add the product allocation assignment of inactive time series for the incoming orders quantity of the more general collective product allocation time series.

  • Assignment without product allocation group
    In contrast to the previous options, you cannot use the restriction by product allocation groups in this case. The specifications in the selection are ignored.

The system displays all product allocation assignments that:

    • belong to product allocation groups that no longer exist in the Customizing.

These product allocation assignments are created as a result of incomplete system copies, or if the product allocation assignments are not deleted if a product allocation group is deleted in the Customizing.

    • belong to characteristics combinations that are no longer defined in a product allocation group.

These product allocation assignments are created if you delete a characteristics combination from the characteristics directory (for example, when you transfer the characteristics combinations from a planning area (transaction /SAPAPO/ATPQ_PAREA_K), but do not delete their product allocation assignment.

You can select and delete the product allocation assignments in the display. You cannot adjust the time series in the product allocation group. The adjustment is not possible and unnecessary because the assigned characteristics combination of the time series no longer exists, which means that no relevant time series can be identified.

As described above, the characteristics combinations that you want to delete can be selected and then flagged for deletion (menu 'Goto'). You can then use the 'execute' function to delete the product allocation assignments.

You can only use manual entries or actions to execute the report described here. In the case of large product allocation groups, the runtime of an online transaction may be insufficient to execute the report.
You can also use transaction /SAPAPO/ATPQ_KCGRP_U to carry out the time series comparison (as described under 'Assignment without incoming orders quantity').
In this case, the incoming orders quantity is always set to the total of the product allocation assignment of a period (that is, the yellow and the red traffic lights of the above display disappear). You can restrict the area to be corrected to a period of the time series.

Header Data

Release Status:

Released for Customer

Released on:

04.11.2003 16:17:04

Master Language:



Recommendations/additional info



Primary Component:

SCM-APO-ATP-BF-PAL Check against Product Allocations

Affected Releases



























Related Notes

624539 - /sapapo/sdorder_del: Extended check for allocation

619525 - Display Product Allocation Group using ALV list Grid

569270 - Report /SAPAPO/ATPQ_CHKUSG returns inconsistent line items

553902 - Allocations: Improved performance for prod. allo.

553403 - Allocations: incorrect correction for incoming orders quant.

552140 - Allocations: Performance during LC recovery

527863 - Allocations: Program termination /SAPAPO/RMQUOT_USAGE_CHECK

527153 - Allocations: product allocation check - incorrect display

514199 - Prod. alloc: Order receipt quantity w/o prod. alloc. assgmt

496809 - Allocations: /SAPAPO/ATPQ_KCGRP_U terminates

494607 - Allocations: Product allocation assignment check incorrect

493015 - Allocations: Function error prod.alloc. assignment control

484199 - Allocations: Deleting incoming orders qty during correction

483370 - Allocations: Updating the product allocation assignment

481096 - Addition to consistency check TP/VS for prod. allocat. TDL s

433427 - Allocations: incorrect transfer of characts. combinations

433157 - Product allocations: comparison report (performance)

425825 - Consistency checks, /sapapo/om17, /sapapo/cif_deltareport

422669 - Allocations: Runtime error OBJECT_NOT_FOUND

422042 - Allocations: No display in the comparison report

418949 - Allocations: Incorrect display in the comparison report

412363 - Allocations: Recovery terminates with RFC error

403541 - Product allocations: Runtime error OBJECT_NOT_FOUND

384749 - Prod.allocations:Incoming orders qty not corrected

331512 - Allocations: Incoming orders qty w/o assignment

313717 - Allocations: Runtime error PARAMETER_FAILURE

195366 - Allocations: Loss of order receipt quantity

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