Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Note 1058871 - Poor performance of product allocation check



During an ATP check in SCM with product allocation as one of the step in basic methods, bad performance or response time is too high. This is due to the number of characteristic combinations to be checked during the allocation check.

Other terms

Performance, response times, product allocation check, PAL.

Reason and Prerequisites

Number of characteristic combinations and direct connection to planning area. Product Allocation Check is performed in SCM.


If the performance of ATP check due to allocation check has longer run times please check the following -

- The number of characteristic combinations.
- Check if setting direct connection to planning area is defined in product allocation group.

When the characteristic combinations have reached 100,000 try to reduce them to improve performance. If it is not possible to reduce the number of characteristic combinations deactivate direct connection to planning area in the prodcut allocation group. This will improve the performance of allocation check.

If connection to planning area is deactivated, data between planning and allocation tables has to be synchronized by copying planning data periodically to allocation tables using transaction /SAPAPO/ATPQ_PAREA_R to reflect changes in allocation quantities (KCQTY) and also transfer data to planning area using transaction /SAPAPO/ATPQ_PAREA_W to update incoming order quantities (AEMENGE).

Header Data

Release Status:

Released for Customer

Released on:

25.05.2007 16:56:11

Master Language:



Recommendations/additional info



Primary Component:

SCM-APO-ATP-BF-PAL Check against Product Allocations

Secondary Components:

SCM-APO-ATP Global Available-to-Promise

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