Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Difference of IBP Version and Scenario


Difference of IBP Version and Scenario

Source: SAP IBP Online help

Object Type




Alternate plans maintained over time.

On-the-fly “what if” scenarios

Created By

Administration user at time of configuration. (The number of versions is defined during configuration.)

Planner or end user (dynamically when using the system)

Created From

Planning Areas app, by choosing Versions, and then New.

IBP Excel add-in by choosing Create in the Scenarios group.

Change Method


Customers copy data between versions. As a result, a version is based on a copy (or an overlay of multiple copies) and not on a collection of deltas. Changes to the base version (or to another version that you copied from) do not automatically “shine through” in the target version of the copy.


The system keeps track of all changes to key-figure values as delta records inside the scenario. If, at the same time, changes are made in the base version, these are visible in the scenarios, unless there are conflicting scenario deltas, in which case those take precedence. This change method could be thought of as “shine-through” logic.