Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Note 1045636 - SNP heuristic creates purchase requisitions in prev. bucket


You execute the heuristic planning. The planning result for stock transfers is created in the previous bucket period.
Other terms
Heuristic, stock transfer, distribution receipt, PReq
Scheduling, Calendar, Goods receipt time, Goods Issue time, Transport
/SAPAPO/CALENDAR time stream.
Reason and Prerequisites
You have defined different calendars with different working periods for the good issue, transport and goods receipt activities:
  • shipping calendar defined in the source location,
  • transportation calendar defined in the transportation lane,
  • receiving calendar defined in the target location.

Scheduling logic
    1. The period factor, which is defined in the transportation lane, based on the means of transport, is used to determine the due date of the order.
    2. From this due date (time 12:00 local time in the target location), the goods receipt processing time, the transportation time and the goods issue processing time are scheduled backwards to compute the start date of the order.
    3. From the start date the goods issue (time 12:00 local time in the source location), the transportation and the goods receipt activities are scheduled forwards to compute the end date of the order.
If the working periods of the calendars are different, the end date of the order can differ from the due date.
If possible, you use the same working periods for all calendars.

Header Data

Release Status: Released for Customer
Released on: 11.02.2011 10:40:41
Master Language: English
Priority: Recommendations/additional info
Category: Consulting
Primary Component: SCM-APO-SNP-HEU SNP Heuristic Planning

Affected Releases


Related Notes

1558497 - SNP-HEU: Distribution receipt created too early
1521556 - SNP-HEU: First distribution receipt created in too early
1055064 - SNP heuristic creates planned orders in prev. bucket
1045891 - SNP purchase requisitions are shifted to the previous bucket
989857 - SNP orders are shifted to the previous bucket
333386 - Availability date different in APO and R/3
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