This note provides information about implementation recommendations for SCM 2007.
SCM, implementation recommendation, release restrictions
When SCM 2007 was released, restrictions still applied to the productive use of certain functions (SAP wishes to inform customers of implementation recommendations here).
No release
Order Combination for Mill Products
The functionality of order combination of mill products is not released in general. However after consultation with SAP Mill Solution Management and depending on the scenario it can be used.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Back Order Processing (BOP) doesn't consider VMI-Orders in standard
The Back Order Processing doesn't consider VMI-Orders. This orders can't be selected but are treaded as competitive demands.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
VMI Scenario doesn't include an ATP Check in standard
The standard VMI Scenario doesn't include an ATP check. VMI-Orders represent from the planning view no customer order but stock tansfer orders between two locations. If a VMI Order is created in APO, dates and quantities are calculated either by deployment or TLB. After transfering the VMI orders into the R/3 Execution system the APO results shouldn't be re-planned again. Therefore, VMI-Sales Order will be created as external confirmed TLB orders and sent back to APO 1:1 via key-completion without being checked again (no ATP-Check) and allocations are neither checked nor adjusted in standard. It is possible to use ATP Check while creating VMI Sales Orders in R/3 by implementing a modification in R/3 Inbound. This modification would remove the external confirmation status. Be aware of that you need to take care about special cases that could effect results.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
CBF with SNP and PP/DS
Scenario determination: CBF covers the planning of a configuarble product, the characteristics describe the various attribute of the product as it could be color and size. SYTEM BEHAVIOR: CBF plannning result will be stored in the time series LC in DP. For every characteristic of the material a to the total related figure will be stored. Example: The material is door and it comes in 3 colors and 3 width. In Total you have planned 90 doors, with equal attibute distribution = 10 blue size 1,6m*1,6m 10 greed size 1,6m*1,6m 10 blue size 1,8m*1,8m etc. 10 blue size 2,0m*2,0m 10 red size 1,6m*1,6m In total 90. etc... The planning result can now be released to PP/DS and here you have the choice of two variations, the allocation or the consumption via consumption group. Both methods will create FC orders in the product planning table. LIMITATION: there is no possibility to release any planning data from DP to SNP with the intention to use any of the available tools like: heuristic ( Lokation; Multilevel; Network); SNP Optimizer,or CTM. CBF planning results can only be used in a PP/DS scenario.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Interchangeability: General Restrictions
Interchangeability cannot be used in conjunction with configurable products (neither CBF nor CDP). Parallel discontinuation in which several products are discontinued dependent on another is not supported. Only 1:1 relations/substitutions are supported. Complex product interchangeability of the form 1:M (where 1 product can be substituted by several other products), N:1 or N:M is not supported. In the master data maintenance (ta incmd/ui) you have the possibility to maintain succeeding and preceding quantity factors for an interchangeability group. All applications in SCM 2007 do not support this functionality. The use of assemblies in interchangeability groups is not supported. Interchangeability cannot be used together with aggregated planning in SNP: the SNP disaggregation only works for SNP planned production orders and purchase requisitions. Substitution orders are not disaggregated.
( Changed at 03.04.2009 )
Release with restrictions
Multi item single delivery location
This development will not be able to run an optimization process in such a complexity as requested in above Development request. Valid are only locations from the predetermined location list in which all products are defined, it is not sufficient that a substitution material is valid. Only Main Requirements are allowed for this functionality(HPOS) In Rules based check there will be following limitations: - No PPM#s - No location activity possible - Location list will be substituted by location from initial list - No validity handling possible - No characteristic substitution - No alternative Locations - No exclusions - No Location-Product Lists - No TPOP / ROC - No Production - Only rules immediately is possible (will be set automatic if a location list evolved) - No manual overrides possible - Not with classic interchangebility - Not with different units of messure - No other Kardinality than 1:1 - No 1:N substitution - In connection with 'ATP Substitution Preselection' 'Single location predetermination' will win - No consolidation
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Rules based ATP
Combination of restricted number of entities/substitutions cannot be combined with overdelivery tolerances.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Reassignement of Order Confirmations (ROC) - de-confirmation of deliveries
De-confirmation is possible for deliveries only if delivery is a stock transfer delivery or it's pre-decessor is a CRM sales order - Successors of ERP Sales orders are not supported
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Reassignement of Order Confirmations (ROC) - indicator value
During confirmation of a high priority order on cost of lower priority order SCM returns a special result indicator value. This value can be evaluated by the order management system and used for blocking the high priority order until the subsequent de-confirmation of lower priority items is successfully finished. The evaluation of ROC result indicator is not supported by ERP (R/3).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing: KITs and One-To-Many processes within G-ATP are not possible when checking
KITs and One-To-Many processes within global ATP are not possible when checking from R/3, but with CRM 5.0.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Back Order Processing (BOP) does not support deliveries
BOP Filters apply for BOP and Order Due Lists. However, deliveries are not supported in BOP filters, only in Order Due Lists.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Propagation in multi-level scenarios (Part II: RBA triggered STRs)
RBA with location determinations triggering the creation of a STR should not be mixed with standard location determination within one rule.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Route determination for unchecked deliveries
Scheduling in unchecked deliveries does not have context information for route determination.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
ATP Substitution Preselection
Only "rules immediately" is possible (set automatically); Suppression of subitems in RBA-STR usually not possible.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Order Due Lists (ODL) inbound
An ODL can be filled only with following document type items: - sales order - delivery (not accepted by ODL of type "obtain confirmation"; only accepted if the delivery is a stock transfer delivery or it's pre-decessor is a CRM sales order) - stock transport order - stock transport requisition
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
BAPI for ATP: not for Third party processing
Since SCM 4.1 a BAPI for ATP is available. The main restriction of the new BAPI is the lack of of user interaction (dialogue) and the fact that no third party processing scenarios are supported by this new BAPI.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Continuous input /output only for output products
In the chemical industry for example, process orders running for several weeks at a time are constantly producing finished goods. Up to SCM 4.0, an availability check only takes into account output after the end date of the process order. Therefore an availability check will underestimate the availability by a large proprotion and will not give any usable results. Since SCM 4.1, it is possible to split the output quantity for the finished good proportionally over the process order duration. The limitation is that, this functionality is only possible for the output products of an process order and not for the input products.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Backorder Processing - Stock Transport Requisitions
Stock Transport Requisitions (STR) are supported in BOP with ERP 2005. Because STRs do not support the new logic for requested date / time and quantity and do also not support product substitution and subitems, this can also be not supported during Backorder Processing / Reassignment of Order Confirmation. Product substitution for Stock Transfer Orders (STO) will only be supported for ERP 2005, location substitution is not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Third Party Order Processing (TPOP)
TPOP is only possible in SPM system landscape (CRM system). Also regard the general SPM limitations. Consolidation is not possible with TPOP. Functionality is deactivated because of CRM limitations. If used SD-CO is not possible. Consolidation is not possible with TPOP redirection generally.
( Changed at 06.12.2007 )
Correction Report for Delivery and Sales Order Requirements
The Correction Report for Delivery and Sales Order Requirements (/SAPAPO/SDRQCR21) is only integrated to ERP as an order entry system. CRM is not supported.
( Changed at 06.12.2007 )
Rounding to packspecs with global ATP is not possible with R/3
Rounding to packspecs with global ATP is not possible with R/3, but only with CRM 5.0.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Rules based ATP - location determination & KITs/MATP
Location determination and product substitution must NOT be mixed for KIT components and for MATP components.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Rules based ATP - calculation profile & KITs/MATP
A calculation profile with overdelivery tolerances must NOT be used on component level of KITs or in MATP.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Backorder processing
A KIT component must not be touched in an interactiv backorder resolution process (BOPI), since there is no quantity correlation carried out after the changes.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing: nested multi-level scenarios
A component of a One-to-many substitution or a kit must not be a One-to-Many replacement or a kit itself. The same is true for substitutions of the component.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Safety Stock
Result neutral check and enhanced confirmation logic not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Event-driven quantity assignment (EDQA) with Rules-Bases ATP Check (RBA)
Items that shall obtain confirmation may have used RBA. During EDQA a substituting location product can replace the location product of such an item. In multilevel RBA scenarios like "kit in kit" this substitution is possible on upper component level.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Event-driven quantity assignment (EDQA) triggered by quantity release in a sales orde
EDQA can be triggered only when confirmed quantity of a location product is reduced in a sales order. EDQA can for example not be triggered when the quantity is released just by shifting the material availability date of confirmation
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Parameter dependent safety stock check with G-ATP is not possible for R/3
Parameter dependent safety stock check with global ATP is not possible for R/3. Result neutral check not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
ATP category change
Using category profiles is possible only with activities "Changes of Stock Data" and "Change of Purchase Order Document" (to be checked)
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Rounding with gATP is not possible for Kit-components and MLATP-components
Rounding with global ATP is not possible for Kit-components and MLATP-components
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Rounding with gATP is not possible for Product Allocation and Forecast Check
Rounding with global ATP is not possible for Product allocation check and Forecast-check
( Changed at 21.07.2008 )
Rounding to sales units with gATP is only possible for STOs in ERP 2005 in DEIG scena
Rounding to sales units with global ATP is only possible for Stock Transfer orders (STOs) in ERP 2005 in DEIG scenario
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Propagation in multi-level scenarios (Part I: BOMLVL)
BOM-explosion after the Product Availability Check for KIT or MATP is not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Delivery Group Correlation
Delivery Group Correlation in unchecked deliveries does not support correlation profiles. It is a simple time correlation on the last date.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Order Due Lists (ODL) monitor
Back Order Processing (BOP) cannot be started from ODL monitor of type "Lose Confirmation".
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Allocation Check in Stock Transfer Orders - Delivery Groups
Stock Transfer Order (STO's) do not support the delivery group correlation.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
LocProd-Substitutions and Consolidation
The consolidation process does not work, if the rules use location-product-substitution-procedures (either within INC-Md or classic RBA-MD).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Backorder processing for Stock Transfer Orders - Rescheduling
The rescheduling for Stock Transfer Orders is done in LC during the update. Rescheduling is supported during Backorder processing (BOP) but the results are only consistent with LC scheduling if Configurable Process Scheduling (CPS) is used
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Backorder Processing on Schedule line level incl. Stock Transfer Orders
The Sales order data are more substantial than the Stock Transfer Order Data. Some of this data ("missing" in STOs) can be used for sort and filter criterias in BOP. In BOP only the common filter sort criterias are considered when STOs are included.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Bucket Oriented CTP
For bucket oriented CTP the resource master was enhanced with PP/DS buckets and a new scheduling mode for bucket finite scheduling was developed. These two developments are only to be used for CTP exclusively. Bucket finite scheduling is not supported in the following planning methods: - Production Planning Heuristics - Manual Order Processing - Scheduling Heuristics. Additionally, interactive PP/DS bucket-finite scheduling in the planning board should be avoided because it might not produce the desired results. The bucket oriented CTP check is performed only for resources which are used only as primary resources and calendar resources. The PP/DS buckets of a resource are nothing more than time aggregations; therefore the capacity aggregation of resource hierarchies or alternatives is not supported. The number of PP/DS bucket vectors per resource is limited to 1. The PP/DS bucket vector has the dimension #time# and no other dimensions are supported. The following strategy settings will not be considered in PP/DS bucket-finite scheduling: - Synchronization - Non-Working Times - Consider Campaign Requirement Note: The above-mentioned restrictions and the ones to follow are strictly valid for CTP. The Characteristics-Dependent-Planning (CDP) and specially the bucket oriented block planning will use PP/DS bucket vector and all scheduling modes related to it, however it does not necessarily mean that it will abide by the CTP relevant restrictions. The bucket oriented capacity check for block planning that was released with APO 3.1 is substituted by the bucket oriented CTP process. See also note 744400
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Interchangeability cannot be used in the Capable-to-Promise Scenario
You cannot plan with product interchangeability in the CTP scenario.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
MLATP/RBA with STOs - Restricted Integration with PP/DS and SNP
The functions Multilevel ATP and Rules-based ATP triggered Stock Transfer Orders are technically based on ATP trees. The scenario and the technical bases lead to restrictions described in note 510313.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Consolidation Location and Product Allocation (PAL)
Consolidation Location scenario is NOT designed to work with PAL. This is because the system does not differentiate between the two purposes of PAL, sales-driven or capacity-driven, which lead to different behavior.
( Changed at 24.10.2008 )
RBA-Subitems and Procure/Make-to-order
The RBA may lead to subitems when substituting locations or products. In case of customer individual requirements (e.g. make-to-order) the account assignment is not consistently copied to the subitems.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Interchangeability: FFF classes
FFF classes can be used in SNP, CTM and G-ATP. In PP/DS and DP they are not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Distinguish 0 and nothing
This new functionality is only available for LiveCache time series key figures. For Characteristics-Based Forecasting (CBF) the new functionality is not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Seasonality in Demand Planning
The seasonal planning functionality is neither available for SNP planning areas, nor for DP planning areas with Characteristics-Based Forecasting (CBF) or Bill of Material (BOM) functionality. Due to the technical realization of the seasonality functionality, planning on seasonal level can only be performed for key figures which are based on liveCache time series. The function to prevent time desegregation of data in the past will be active for time series based key figures in DP and SNP, but not for key figures with other data sources (e.g. orders or InfoProvider). It is not possible to access data on seasonal level via BAPI. Collaborative Planning is not available for season planning. Forecasting in background or interactively is not possible on seasonal level. When using the locking option #Detailed Lock# in planning areas with seasonal planning functionality, the key figure specific locking option (#Key-Figure-Specific Lock#) is not available for technical reasons. When using the recommended liveCache locking option instead of the detailed locking, the key figure specific locking is available.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Authorization checks
Forecasting: Batch Forecast is not executed, if the batch user is not authorized to change data for one of the characteristic value combinations for the selection as-signed to the batch job (only relevant if BW Authorization Concept for Characteristics is enabled, see below). A suitable message (including batch user name and selection) is written into the job log. BW Authorization Concept for Characteristics: When a batch job is started and the BW Authorization Concept for Characteristics is enabled, an authorization check will be performed at the beginning. If the executing user has no authorization for at least one of the selected characteristic value combinations, the batch job will be aborted (without doing anything) and a corresponding message (including user name) is written into the job log. CBF characteristics are not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Parallel mass processing
If persistent aggregates are used for a planning area the automatic parallel execution can not be used for the following processes: - Proportional factors calculation - DP mass processing: macro - DP mass processing: forecast - Creating time series objects - Load data from infocube - Copy planning version The automatic parallel execution of loading data from infocube cannot be used if navigational attributes are used in the aggregation level. The automatic parallel execution of loading data from infocube can only be used for loading data into liveCache key figures of the planning area . That means if a planning area key figure is defined as InfoCube key figure the automatic parallel execution of loading data from infocube is not supported. The automatic parallel execution of copying planning version and loading data from infocube cannot be used if characteristic assignment (mapping of different characteristics) is used for the process. The automatic parallel execution of copying planning version cannot be used for copying data between two different planning areas which are linked to two different planning object structures. The automatic parallel execution of copying planning version can only be used if all source and target key figures are liveCache key figures. If infoCube key figures are involved the automatic parallel execution is not supported. The automatic parallel execution of copying planning version and loading data from infocube cannot be used if the planning area is used for Characteristic based forecasting (CBF).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Demand Planning - Multiclient Capabilities
SCM 5.0 is based on SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0. This enables DP to work with multiple clients without need of ABAP modifications (see note 522569). The following restrictions apply: - BW client must be defined at the beginning of the implementation and can not be changed afterwards. - Client copies should be avoided. - All BW-objects (like SAP BW Info Cubes, Info Objects, Info Sources and Data Source Systems) are client independent. The BW-Administrator Workbench can only be accessed in the BW-client. If InfoObjects or InfoCubes are created in a non-BW-client, they have to be activated in the BW-client. The same is true for Planning Object Structures and Aggregates; the generated InfoCube/Aggregate also have to be activated in the BW-client. Data Sources have to be created in the system where Data should be extracted from. InfoSources have to be created in the BW-client. - Planning Object Structures names must be unique across clients - Planning Areas and Planning Object Structures can only be accessed in the client where they have been created. - Only one global logical BW data source system can be defined on only for the "SAP BW client". Data loads from an SAP R/3 system or from files can only be performed from "SAP BW client"
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Fixing of values within a macro
The following limitation applies only if the compatibility mode for a macro book is enabled: It is not possible to change a fixed value either within one macro with different steps, within one collective macro with different macros or within one macro sequence within an event (e.g.default). Please consider the following notes: # 643517 - Macrobuilder: Fixing key figures with a macro # 687074 - Macros: General notes on fixing with macros. If the compatibility mode is disabled for a macro book, also fixed values can be changed by using the corresponding key figure change mode
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Promotion and Realignment
Realignment and Promotion only works if the function REALIGNMENT with the option delete source has been chosen. Any other option from the realignment tool will not deliver any results if promotions are involved. The realignment job will be terminated.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Aggregated Phase In / Out
The following restrictions apply: - The functionality will not work with key figures stored in InfoCubes. - The calculation rule for the structural disaggregation of the forecast key figure and the corrected forecast key figure has to be pro rata or disaggregation according to another key figure. - The functionality does not include phase-in/out action on the historical horizon only on the forecast horizon. If phase-in/out profiles are effective in historical and forecast horizons the new function will only change data in the forecast horizon. - Aggregated Phase In / Out will only be carried out for the forecast key figure not for the key figure corrected forecast for reasons of performance and data volume. - The process is not executed if the "average days in period" function in univariate forecast profiles is active.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
The following restrictions apply: - Realignment/Copy Table: The size of the generated realignment and copy table and therefore the number of characteristics in these tables are restricted. This is a general technical restriction of a DB-table in which a line can't exceed an estimated total of around 2000 characters. - DP-BOM: When using the DP-BOM functionality with the new realignment logic which has been introduced with SCM 4.0, not all characteristics can be used for the realignment and copy process. Characteristic 9APPMNAME and the characteristics representing the product can only be used as selection criteria for the realignment process. For both characteristics the 'From'- and the 'To'-value need to be the same. - CBF: For CBF Realignment and copy process from one product to another product is only possible if these two products are using the same CBF profile. - Promotions: For promotions the copy process is not supported. It is not possible to realign promotions using cannibalization. The version to which the promotion is linked to must be initialized. Promotions are automatically deactivated when realigned. - InfoCubes with aggregates: The realignment and copy process does not work for Infocubes with aggregates. - Selections: User defined (Shuffler-) selections are not considered during the realignment and copy process. Generated selections are not considered during the copy process. - Option 'Add': The option 'add values' is not supported for key figures with aggregation type A (average) and 'D' (Average at the Lowest Level of Detail). This restriction is valid for the copy and the realignment process.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Data Realignment
Since SCM 4.1 within data realignment (transaction /SAPAPO/RLGCOPY) there is an option to specify individual key figures for which the data is copied or that are to be initialized. This option is not supported for InfoCube key figures and InfoCube Realignment. Here the data is copied always for all key figures.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Forecast Strategy 56: Forecast with Automatic Model Selection
Forecast profiles are only generated and assigned if automatic model selection II is used in the univariate profile of the master forecast profile in the activity for DP mass processing. Automatic model selection II does not use second order exponential smoothing approaches.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Parallel processing of the proportional factor calculation
The automatic parallel execution of the proportional factor calculation is only supported if the same planning area is used as source and target. In particular it is not possible to calculate the proportional factors in parallel from an InfoCube or other planning areas. In addition the automatic parallel execution of the proportional factor calculation is only supported if no persistent aggregates are used for the planning area.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Promotion Planning / Cannibalization Group
Restriction: For promotions with more characteristics than the one defined as the promotion level, the cannibalization group is only effective for these combinations which also have the same characteristic values for these characteristics.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
CBF Settings for Planning Area
In the planning area create screen a Storage Bucket Profile has to be defined. In case of a Characteristic based Forecasting (CBF) Scenario this Starage Bucket profile(Periodicities for a Planning Area) can only contain ONE dimension; Dimension = Year/Month/ Week etc. In order to be able to use this Planing area later for CBF only one of these dimension can be selected. This is due to technical reasons. Example: If you would choose two dimensions Month and Week in a CBF PLOB based scenario the system will only allow to create CBF Product profiles for dates where the begin of the month and the begin of a week are the same day.This restriction is valid for the entire horizon specified . For the year 2003, you would get back only September 1st and December 1st, all other dates would not be available. Extended Explanation: If CBF would employ the standard DP Logic for aggregation and disaggregation into month and weeks the CBF functionality of setting a characteristc value relevant/not relevant for planning would not be available any more. Example: Characteristic " Color" has a value "red" which is supposed not to be valid for 3 month a year (Juni 1st to Aug 31st). You must have one profile with 3 validities 1. general with out date = red will be planned 2. not relevant for the planning validity June 1st = red will NOT be planned 3. relevant for the planning from September 1st = red will be planned If you choose now a different view with weeks in the Time Bucket Profile, the system would be unable to show the month you wanted the "color" RED to be not relevant if the beginning and the end of the month would not match exactly with the "new" granularity.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
CBF and ATP is currently not compartible. While CBF finds the relevant data looking for Profile/Table/row multiple times, is ATP expecting one characteristic combination which is stored in Profile/table/row. CBF offers multiple Profile/Table/row entries for one configuration (each characteristic might have its own Table and subsequent own row) while ATP looks for one characteristic combination carrying all relevant information. Example: Customer order for a car: Color red, sunroof 50*40cm; transmission; aloy wheels. CBF could have 4 Tables each may have several values, drilldown is psossible on each characteristc. Color SUN roofs Gear Wheels red 50*40 transmission steel green 60*40 5 Gear aloy CBF would store 16 possible variations. To recall this information the information has to be retieved from one profile, 4 tables, 4 lines ( one each table). ATP is expecting the information to be in one table exactly in the same way as in the customer order. ATP with CBF only works if the CBF characteristics that might occur in a customer order are all in one (1) planning table and are exactly like the information required.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
MRP Areas
The usage of stock transport orders (instead of stock transfer reservations) to transfer stock between MRP areas implies R/3 enterprise release 4.70 extension 2.0, see also note 594318. This functionality should be used only after consultation with SAP.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
WUF just available for APO Master Data objects
The Where-Used-For Framewrok is only available for APO Master Data Objects: - location - product - locationproduct - lane - quotation - resource - PPM - PDS It is not connected to other SCM components like ICH, LIME etc.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Report for Customizing comparison
This report is just planned for comparing data between R/3 and APO; taking over customizing values from one system to other is only possible for the following constellation: taking over locations from R/3 to APO.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Restricted availability of change documents functionality
Change-documents are available for the following APO master data objects: - location - product - locationproduct - lane - quotation - Partnerproduct - partnerlocation - orderguideline
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Hierarchies can be used with the following restrictions
Character schema hierarchy and generated hierarchies will not be available as #Net-work-Hierarchies# # Extented hierarchies can not be maintained via CIF even when used in the TP/VS application (transportation zones). # It is not possible to display all the parents for a child (a kind of where-used list on child). # For PDS hierarchy the parent node can only be a PDS-node, for the added child nodes PDS and iPPEs are possible.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Enhancement Concept for Master Data Tables
- No floating point or RAW fields are allowed - Enhancement structures of BAPIs will not enhanced automatically - Only location, product and location product are supported - Version dependent data will not be supported
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Material Group for Transportation Lane
# The quotations are not maintainable with product groups. # It is not possible to create product specific means of transportation for product groups. # Procurement relationships (information records, contracts, scheduling agreements) based on product groups are not supported
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
iPPE Workbench Express
The iPPE Workbench Express is not released at all for R/3 integration and CDP.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Special Procurement Types
The following special procurement types from R/3 are supported in APO: Subcontracting, stock transfer, phantom assembly, production in alternative plant (called "production in alternative location" in APO). The following special procurement types from R/3 are not supported in APO: Withdrawal from alternative plant, direct production / collective order, phantom in planning.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Serial Numbers
In R/3 a material may have a serial number. There's no processing of serial numbers in APO.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Integration of Interchangeability Master Data from ERP sytem
Material master discontinuation (single discontinued part) can be integrated from an ERP system to APO via CIF. Prerequisite is ERP 2005 with EhP03 (or higher).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Model Mix Planning
Regarding limitations for Model-Mix planning see note 627377. The functionality of the Genetic Algorithm for multi lines is limited and should be used only after consultation with SAP. E. g. only the lines belonging to the planning segment and the restrictions assigned to those lines are taken into account during the optimisation run. The Model-Mix-Planning algorithms do not take the priorities of the customer independent requirements into account. MMP also daoesn't consider the settings made in the "Model and Version Management".
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Operation Split
The functionality of operation split is not supported in APO. See also note 441777. Please note that all restriction mentioned in this note for PPM also apply for PDS unless the differences are specially noted in note 1079959 .
( Changed at 15.02.2008 )
Release with restrictions
Container Resource
Regarding limitations of the container resource see note 498223. Please note that the optimizer doesn't support the container resource.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Performance SNP Optimizer
Depending on the data volume and usage of discretization (e.g. use of lot sizes or cost functions), the performance of the SNP Optim To check the feasibility of an SNP optimization problem in terms of performance, a dedicated sizing sheet exists on the Service Mark Please fill in the Excel sheet and check the result directly. You can use the optimizer sizing sheet for APO 4.x to do an optimizer This should be done in an early phase of the project (Blueprint). If necessary (depending on the output of the Excel Sheet), please ask for the dedicated consultancy service for optimization mentioned on this page, too.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Explanation Tool and Automatic Cost Generation for SNP Optimization
Explantion Tool: 1. Solution Indicators Aggregation of the different solution quality indicators will only be supported in a limited way. In order to overview the global aggregation on model level will be shown directly.The most detailed level for location-product-specific indicato Aggregation levels in between (e.g. on location or product level)can be simulated by the report functionality of ALV or by an export 2. Explanation Mode Plans/solutions stored in the liveCache will not be explained. Only solutions stored in the optimizers output-lo Therefore, existence of the input- and output-log is mandatory for using the explanation tool. Only cost-optimal deployment is suppo Special deployment strategies like fair-share or push cannot be considered for explanation. Only one possible explanation is generat As a consequence, the explanation need not be unique. Resolving plan-exceptions according to derived reasons does NOT imply that aft #solved#, i.e. disappears In case of cost push models, the explanation given can contain more reasons as required just for satisfyin In case of explaining discrete problems, it can be that only for a subset of plan-exceptions explanations can be found due to time-l SNP Optimizer relevant systems settings should not be changed between optimization and explanation run since otherwise no explanatio Since the explanation tool does not relax calendars it cannot propose/detect capacity problem on non-working days. This is in particular relevant if the bucket profile contains daily buckets. The product availability analysis checks only whether t of supply for each product but not whether its available within the planning horizon. Therefore, non-deliveries due to PPM or transport-validities or the usage of time-phased PPM parameters cannot be detected. Instead, The explanation tool cannot explain non-deliveries or safety violation caused by sub-optimal solutions. Therefore, it is important that solutions that are the result of a discrete problem have sufficiently high solu-tion quality. Automatic Coct Ge # Cost functions (procurement, means of transport, production) # Costs for resource capacity extension # Costs for resource usage # Costs for minimum resource utilization # Costs for means of transport # Shelf-Life Cost The automatic cost generation (ACG) will generate a cost model that triggers the SNP or deployment optimizer to maximize the service level. Due to the fact that e.g. no information is given about potential fix costs, or for additional shifts trade off decisions cannot be taken in a meaningful way. For further information, please check the documentation, too.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Performance SNP Optimizer
Depending on the data volume and usage of discretization (e.g. use of lot sizes or cost functions), the performance of the SNP Optimizer can be critical. To check the feasibility of an SNP optimization problem in terms of performance, a dedicated sizing sheet exists on the Service Marketplace (SCM Technology). Please fill in the Excel sheet and check the result directly. You can use the optimizer sizing sheet for APO 4.x to do an optimizer sizing for APO 5.0. This should be done in an early phase of the project (Blueprint). If necessary (depending on the output of the Excel Sheet), please ask for the dedicated consultancy service for optimization mentioned on this page, too.
( Changed at 14.05.2008 )
Explanation Tool and Automatic Cost Generation for SNP Optimization
Explantion Tool: 1. Solution Indicators Aggregation of the different solution quality indicators will only be supported in a limited way. In order to have a quick overview the global aggregation on model level will be shown directly. The most detailed level for location-product-specific indicators will also be shown directly. Aggregation levels in between (e.g. on location or product level) can be simulated by the report functionality of ALV or by an export of the data to the Business Warehouse. 2. Explanation Mode Plans/solutions stored in the liveCache will not be explained. Only solutions stored in the optimizers output-log can be explained. Therefore, existence of the input- and output-log is mandatory for using the explanation tool. Only cost-optimal deployment is supported. Special deployment strategies like fair-share or push cannot be considered for explanation. Only one possible explanation is generated. As a consequence, the explanation need not be unique. Resolving plan-exceptions according to derived reasons does NOT imply that after re-optimization excep-tions is #solved#, i.e. disappears In case of cost push models, the explanation given can contain more reasons as required just for satisfying a certain backlog. In case of explaining discrete problems, it can be that only for a subset of plan-exceptions explanations can be found due to time-limit/complexity reasons. SNP Optimizer relevant systems settings should not be changed between optimization and explanation run since otherwise no explanation can be found. Since the explanation tool does not relax calendars it cannot propose/detect capacity problem on non-working days. This is in particular relevant if the bucket profile contains daily buckets. The product availability analysis checks only whether there exists a source of supply for each product but not whether its available within the planning horizon. Therefore, non-deliveries due to PPM or transport-validities or the usage of time-phased PPM parameters cannot be detected. Instead, a leadtime problem may be detected. The explanation tool cannot explain non-deliveries or safety violation caused by sub-optimal solutions. Therefore, it is important that solutions that are the result of a discrete problem have sufficiently high solu-tion quality. Automatic Coct Generation (ACG) will not generate # Cost functions (procurement, means of transport, production) # Costs for resource capacity extension # Costs for resource usage # Costs for minimum resource utilization # Costs for means of transport # Shelf-Life Cost The automatic cost generation (ACG) will generate a cost model that triggers the SNP or deployment optimizer to maximize the service level. Due to the fact that e.g. no information is given about potential fix costs, or for additional shifts, trade off decisions cannot be taken in a meaningful way. For further information, please check the documentation, too.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Movement of a vehicle together with trailer(s)
A shipment containing only the movement of a vehicle together with trailer(s) is not supported (i.e. shipments containing no freight units) .
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Movement of a trailer
It is not supported that a trailer is moved by the same vehicle when the trailer was moved by another vehicle inbetween.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Dynamic Route Determination (DRD)
Dynamic Route Determination (DRD) is not taking into account the new functionality for Compartments and Trailers which is provided by the VSR optimizer.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Graphical planning board
The graphical planning board within Interactive Vehicle Scheduling (transaction /SAPAPO/VS01) is not supporting the new functionality for Compartments and Trailers.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Modeling of drivers
SAP discourages from choosing a modeling approach, where drivers are being modeled by a modeling tool for trailers.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Trailer scenarios
Vehicle combinations with more than one tractor are not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
Fault Tolerant Scheduling
Fault tolerant scheduling is only used for the scheduling of orders and can not be used for the creation of orders. No Backtracking in Scheduling: A scheduling action might affect more than operation. However, each operation is scheduled only once, independently of previous operations and in a given sequence. If a scheduling problem consisting of several operations might be solved by an allowed violation of a constraint for the first operation, the scheduling action might terminate without solution nevertheless because the problem only occurs at the second operation. Fault Tolerant Option "Schedule Infinitely": If "schedule infinitely" is chosen as the fault tolerant option, the scheduling modes "insert operation", "insert operation and close gaps" and "squeeze in" might cause that some operations are pushed outside the planning horizon (the operation sequence is kept with these scheduling modes). Infinite scheduling does not allow scheduling outside the planning horizon, therefore the scheduling action might terminate without solution.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Reference Operation Sets
Reference operation sets are only integrated for PDS and for orders, not for the PPM. The prerequisite for the integration of reference operation sets is Plug-In release 2004.1 and APO release 4.1 or higher releases.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Pegging with Delivery Tolerances and "Use total supply"
This functionality should be used only after consultation with SAP. The functionalities "delivery tolerances", "use entire receipt" and "use total stock" (see product master, tab "Demand") only lead to satisfying results in very simple cases. For example the combination of partial delivery and delivery tolerance leads to incorrect results because the system can not calculate the delivery tolerance correctly in case of a partial delivery. It therefore is necessary to contact SAP in order to evaluate if the mentioned functionalities can be used in the customer's scenario.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Compact Planning
Compact Scheduling will concentrate on reduction of lead time of orders. To achieve this in a meaningful way, orders should contain no fixed activities. Otherwise, a compact schedule can not be guaranteed. In the case, orders contain fixed activities (e.g. partially confirmed orders) other Optimization strategies like Prioritization or PCO (partially confirmed orders) should be used instead.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Explanation Protocol for PP/DS Optimizer
The Explanation Protocol is to be used like a protocol, it is not a problem solving tool. The customer is able to see the explanations but he will not be able to jump from an explanation to the place where he could do something against the problems. The navigation inside the explanation GUI will be restricted to functionality that is offered by the ALV grid. When the Explanation Protocol has to protocol a large amount of data the lists inside the GUI will be very long and the display could be slow . Up to now there is no solution for this problem generated.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Scheduling Mode "Close Gaps"
Depending on the complexity of the scenario and the planning environment the system is not always able to schedule the operation and close existing gaps although the scheduling mode "insert and close gaps" is used.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Classification System (CDP vs. VC/iBase)
If the components for subcontracting are planned with CDP, the characteristic values are not transferred to R/3. Classification is not used for components of inhouse production orders. The iPPE side access does not support CDP classification. Reference characteristics: It is necessary to transfer first characteristics and then BOM and routings. So it is not possible to read APO master data information in the BAdI implementation. The use of different configuration schemes - characteristic dependent planning (CDP) and variant configuration (VC) - within one client is not released without special consultation by SAP. With this functionality the classification system can be defined on product level, but it is not possible to use VC below a component with CDP classification. The integration of VC characteristics both for the mixed scenario and for the VC only scenario requires a R/3 release 4.6b or higher. In the delta report the classification is checked for - VC regarding the same configuration reference and - CDP regarding the existence of characteristics. It is possible to perform an extended configuration check for the classification with the effect that the value of the characteristics is checked as well. Consistency Check in live Cache (transaction OM17): # Consistency of information for characteristics# based time series is not checked # Some checks do not prove full consistency, but only carry out important plausibility checks # Checks for VC Configuration only apply to active planning version (planning version 000) # Correction of inconsistencies may require subsequent execution of CIF delta report. There is no link between this functionality and CIF delta report.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Fixed Pegging
Fixed pegging in APO is not kept during all document type changes in R/3 . Note 698427 lists all supported document type changes. The stock transfer orders have two nodes - fix pegging is kept for the supply node at the target location, but not for the requirement node at the source location. Not supported at all are forecasts and forecast consumption, scheduling agreements (neither SD nor MM) and REM backflush, since these are not sensible from a process point of view. Collective orders are not supported in APO and consequently neither by fix pegging. Assembly processing is not supported either (no integration of R/3 assembly orders (planned orders)). The document type changes from customer inquiry to customer quotation and from customer quotation to sales order are not supported. The document type changes from transport order to delivery is not supported. The limitations of fix pegging for some further functions and processes are described in note 704583. Additionally some comments: Subcontracting: For the subcontracting process with production at the supplier the finished product at the supplier location is always planned with fix pegging. This fix pegging arc can not be deleted with any heuristic (e.g. SAP_PP_11). Shelf Life: Fix pegging does not take shelf life restrictions into account. Make to Order: Though it is technically possible to use fix pegging in a make to order scenario as well, it does not make much sense because the assignment between demand and receipt is already given by the account planning segment. Prioritisation: Fix pegging does not calculate any priorities itself, but it can propagate the priorities from the requirement. Batch Determination: Batch determination in R/3 is not influenced in any way by the fixed pegging in APO. The batch determination in R/3 does not trigger the creation of the according fix pegging arc in APO. It is however possible to use the heuristic SAP_PP_019 to create fix pegging in APO based on the same batches - but this is not an online process. A prerequisite for this is that no fix pegging existed before. Quantity Propagation: Changes in the order quantity of a requirement does not lead to the adjustment of the order quantity of a fix pegged receipt element and vice versa. Multiple scheduling lines in sales and purchase orders: Many information for the integration between R/3 and APO is based on the order item and not on the schedule line item. Therefore during document type change the quantities for the fix pegging will be kept for the order item but not necessarily for the correct schedule line. The Heuristic for Creating Fixed Pegging can be called before or after a MRP-level-based Pro-duction Planning run. During the planning of single products or between MRP-levels in a Production Planning Run it is not possible to include the SAP_PP_019-Heuristic, because there is no possibility in the Stan-dard Heuristic Framework to integrate other Heuristics additionally to the product heuristics. If users want to integrate similar logic, than provided by SAP_PP_019, within the Product Heuristic (e.g. in SAP_PP_002 Standard Lot Heuristic), the BadI /SAPAPO/RRP_PLANNING has to be used to create Fixed Pegging before the Net-Requirements-Calculation (Method PEGID_GET_IO). As mentioned above, the ATP against Pegging can be done by defining the production type #Characteristic Evaluation#. In this case restrictions are described in note 601813: - Scope of Check - Specific availability check for sublocation and version (LiveCache- Pegging is neither storage location-specific nor version-specific). Therefore Fixed Pegging should be used to establish such kind of relationship (e.g. Batches) - Past Receipts are always taken into account (as Past Receipts are always inte-grated in LC-Pegging) - Advanced confirmation logic - ATP against Pegging and ATP against Time Series cannot be combined in Rules Based ATP - Check Horizon According to the solution for Release SCM 4.1 (PP/DS-ATP including Fixed Pegging), the restrictions #Scope of Check# and #Check Horizon# do not apply any more.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Safety Stock in PP/DS
To consider dynamic safety stock (e.g. safety days supply) in PP/DS the new alerts - stock below safety stock - stock below target stock and - stock exceeds target stock are provided. Characteristics, shelf-life and min-max pegging intervals are not considered for the new stock alert types. The R/3 customizing value for the percentage of safety stock availability will not be integrated with APO. The product master data must be maintained within APO to utilize the target stock level method functionality. Enhancements in SNP are not part of this project. Therefore, time-dependend target stock level methods will not be supported by PPDS. Consequently, target stock alerts are only generated when a static target stock level method is used. The fill level of the container resource is not affected by this development. For planning PP/DS does not take all possible values into account that can be maintained on the lot size tab in the APO product master - in contrast to SNP planning. PP/DS supports the following entries: - Reorder point method: 2 (Reorder supply from location product master) - Target stock level method: Target days' supply from product master) - Safety stock method: - No Safety Stock - SB Safety Stock from Location Product Master - SZ Safety Days' Supply from Location Product Master - SM Max.of Safety Stock and Safety Days'Sup.from Loc.Prod.Master - MZ Safety Days' Supply (Time-Based Maintenance) - MB Safety Stock (Time-Based Maintenance) - MM Max.of Safety Stock and Safety Days' Sup.(Time-Based Maint.)
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Alternate sequences of R/3 routing
Alternate sequences function as present in R/3 routings are not supported in integrated APO orders (see note 437400).
( Changed at 15.02.2008 )
Setup Info integration
Setup Info integration - From SCM 4.1 onwards, setup information from R/3, if maintained (non-initial), will be taken over in APO. It has to be thus ensured that both systems have consistent data maintained. Prior to this, APO setup information was retained.
( Changed at 15.02.2008 )
Transfer Planner from R/3 to APO
The planner in APO does not correspond to the MRP controller in R/3 and is not transferred to APO. If it is desired to match the MRP controller to the APO planner, it has to be considered that the field planner in APO has three characters and is independent from a location (in contrast to R/3). .
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Usage of LPP (Long Products Planning)
If LPP (Long Products Planning) solution is used note 880091 has to be considered.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Overlap & Continuous Input/ Output
Overlap due to a continuous production (quantities are continuously handed over to the next processing step instead of only at the end) can be modeled in two ways: - within an order by order internal relationships a start - start relationship can be defined - between orders the functionality of continuous consumption can be used. Note that continuous consumption is only considered in production planningheuristics and not in scheduling heuristics. Continuous consumption does not work with external procurement and sales orders. The heuristic "SAP_PP_C001" must not be called by the heuristic "SAP_PP_Q001". See further explanations in the customizing where the heuristics are maintained and see also note 448960. Since APO 4.1 continuous output is considered by ATP. Note 604878 contains additional information to this topic.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
PP/DS Optimisation
The PP/DS-optimizer is only scheduling orders, it does not create orders and does not change lot sizes. The optimizer does not consider storage resources. For a complete list of limitations see note 840887. Performance: To check the feasibility of a PP/DS optimisation problem in terms of performance a dedicated sizing sheet exists: -> mySap SCM Technology -> Performance: Performance & Configuration -> System Requirements for SAP PAO Optimizer -> PP/DS Optimizer Sizing Calculator This sizing sheet should be used in an early phase of the project (Blueprint). If necessary (depending on the output of the Excel Sheet), please ask for the dedicated consultancy service for optimisation mentioned on this page, too.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
The Resource Planning Table is not intended to handle or to be used for such business functions: - Planning of multi resources. - Planning of bucket resources. - Displaying network information (pegging, relationships) The function shall be callable only from those transactions which call the screen #Receipts View#, which is screen 1000 from function group /SAPAPO/RRP_FRAMES. That includes the transactions: 1. /SAPAPO/RRP4 #Receipts View# 2. /SAPAPO/RRP7 #Mass Conversion/Transfer of Planned receipts in Active Planning Version# 3. /SAPAPO/SNP2PPDS #Conversion of SNP Orders into PP/DS Orders# 4. /SAPAPO/CDPS0 #DPS Variable View# and other related transactions 5. /SAPAPO/RPT #Product Planning Table#
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Calculation of capacity requirements, durations and component requirements
The calculation of capacity requirements, durations and component requirements are calculated with the formula X = (Order quantity) * A + B. In contrast to R/3 other formulas are not supported in APO.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Partial Delivery of Output Products
The full quantity of an in-house order is available at one discrete point in time, usually at the end of the order (with the exception of continuous input/output, see the according limitation). A partial delivery of the output product is not supported in APO. It is not recommended to split in-house orders in order to create a workaround for the partial delivery of the output products because this may lead to performance problems.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Finite Scheduling in MRP
Finite scheduling in the MRP run is not possible for new installations. For upgrades this functionality should be used only after consultation with SAP. Regarding finite planning please pay attention to note 459694 and 551124. Explicitly the usage of the heuristic SAP_MRP_002 which is mentioned in the first note requires consultation with SAP.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
CDP and Block Planning
Unspecified characteristics in planning and pegging: Concerning CDP there are limitations regarding unspecified characteristics in planning and pegging. See note 526883. Block planning: Regarding block planning see note 528189.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Note 426563 describes most of the limitations for CTP. CTP and Periodic Lot Size: CTP and period lot size are mutually exclusive. See also note 426563. CTP and Safety Stock: The combination of safety stock / saftey days' supply and CTP is not supported in APO. See also note 426563. CTP and Backorder Processing: CTP can not be used for backorder processing. If backorder processing is performed for products that use CTP, existing receipts are considered but no new receipts are created. See also note 426563. CTP and Rules-Based ATP: This functionality should be used only after consultation with SAP. Due to the fact that CTP uses the order live cache and not the ATP time series, the use of CTP in combination with other rules within a rules based ATP check might undermine the purpose of the ATP rules. For example if a maximum allowed delay is used in a first rule to prevent the usage of stock on hand for demands in the future, CTP (production directly) is called with the complete required quantity (though there is stock available). In this case CTP performs a net requirement calculation and does not create any additional receipts. See also note 426563. CTP and Co-Products: The combination of CTP and co-products (i.e. more than one output product of a planned order is planned with CTP) is not supported in APO. For further information about CTP see also note 426563 CTP and ECM / Validity Limitations: This functionality should be used only after consultation with SAP. Due to capacity restrictions a planned order might be scheduled after the requirement date (which is the explosion date). If the scheduled date is outside the validity horizon for the order, a new order explosion is required with probably different components or operations which would lead to very time consuming calculations and possibly even loops. The CTP algorithm therefore supports only one new order explosion and terminates with an error if this is not successful. For further information about CTP see also note 426563. CTP and Planning Strategies / Forecast Consumption: The planning strategy "Planning Without Final Assembly" and "Planning Product" are not supported with CTP. The planning strategy "Planning With Final Assembly" is only supported with CTP if the ATP time series are used for the ATP check (production type "standard" in the check mode). Else the forecast demands reduce the available quantity.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
The CTP heuristic (SAP_CTG_DLG) to interactively carry out an availability check for the sales order in the APO Product View does not cover all the functionalities of the online Capable-to-Promise (CTP) check performed out of a sales order in ERP. Delete-switch and redistribution are not handled by the CTP heuristic. Also the fixed pegging is not altered by the heuristic.
CDP and ATP with Characteristic Time Series
This functionality should be used only after consultation of SAP. If ATP time series are used with characteristic values, it is possible to enter the required selection criteria in the sales order and use these later for batch determination with CDP. Due to the integration of the characteristic values this is only supported for the process sales orders / delivery / batch stock. If no characteristic values are assigned to a requirement it is possible to get an overconfirmation, since the ATP check is carried out on locationproduct, sublocation, batch and characteristic level independently. The receipts without specified characteristic values (often planned receipts) are not used for the ATP confirmation for a requirement with a specified characteristic value. Furthermore, the integration of selection criteria for batch determination with CDP is only supported for R/3 release 4.6B and higher.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Restrictions for the PP/DS Optimizer
Please check note 712066 for the restrictions in the PP/DS Optimizer.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
In APO it is not possible to change the dependent demand for subcontracting purchase requisitions. Note, that subcontracting in APO is modelled with the help of two orders . A planned order in the subcontractor location produces the material in that location and a stock transfer requisition transfers the material from the subcontractor location to the demand location. You can not change the transfer demand for the finished item in the subcontractor location and you can not change the component demand in the subcontractor location either. Subcontracting with multiple production versions is supported. However, the integration with an SAP ERP sytem requires at least ERP 2005 with EhP 03.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Planning Without Final Assembly
The system only creates safety stock in the make-to-stock segment. Only demands in the make-to-stock segment can consume stock.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Planning with Validity Restrictions of BOMs and Routings
Regarding planning with limited validities of BOMs and routings see documentation note 385602.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Lot-Sizing Procedure Fixing and Splitting
The lot-sizing procedure #Fixing and splitting# (FS) only exists in R/3 and not in APO. Explanation and recommendation: If planning is performed in R/3, all partial lots created when using FS cover exactly one requirement and are scheduled in a sequence (in contrast to FX where all partial lots are scheduled to start at the same time). Though the planning is executed infinitely the procedure FS therefore spreads the planned orders. This makes a finite planning that might be done later in R/3 easier especially if there aren#t any planned orders of other products using the same resource. In APO this lot-sizing procedure is not available because better possibilities exist to create a finite schedule for planned orders.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
PP/DS Horizon
The field "PP/DS Horizon" in the APO master data has three characters. Therefore the maximum number that can be entered is 999. That means that the maximum length of the PP/DS horizon is 999 days.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Keep Activity Dates When Transferring Orders to APO
The functionality to keep activity dates provides the possibility to avoid APO doing a rescheduling when orders are transferred from R/3 to APO. The operations of production orders have to have the status DSEX in R/3 to keep their activity dates in APO. The activity dates of planned orders are generally retained, as long as the PPM/PDS is not reexploded. Limitiations: Goods receipt time processing activities are scheduled always. However, with correct and unchanged settings at the handling resource and with an unchanged goods receipt processing time this should not have an impact on the dates of the goods receipt time processing activity. Not all finite strategies are supported with this functionality. For some finite strategies the systems switches to infinite scheduling in case that the activity dates shall be kept. However, SAP recommends infinite strategies in the strategy profile for CIF integration anyhow. Keeping activity dates will overrule the settings for synchronisation for a resource. If activity dates are kept in APO existing violations of other boundary conditions in APO will not be removed, e.g. violations of pegging relationships and relationsips between operations.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Multi Level Scheduling Framework
The idea of the Multi-Level Scheduling Framework is to provide a basis for heuristics which are able to tackle more complex scheduling problems by processing the activity network instead of single activities. The Multi-Level Scheduling Framework is not yet released for customer developments, because SAP might change the interface without compatibility. Order validity is considered in that way that orders that can't be scheduled finitely on a resource, are scheduled deallocated within the order validity. If it isn't possible to schedule the orders deallocated within the validity interval, then the orders will remain on its original position. The following constraints are not supported by this heuristic: # relationships with maximum length (order internal, or between activities of different orders, i.e. pegging arcs with maximum length) # continuous I/O # shelf life # characteristics # container resource # production campaign constraints # block planning # synchronisation on multi resources
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Production Data Structure (PDS)
The supported functionality of the PDS differs from the PPM. The differences are described in note 744445. The limitations regarding the PDS functionality are described in the following: Block Planning: # Classification of operations with class type 018 is not possible for recipes. If recipes are used on R/3 sides and Block Planning should be used on APO side, a BAdI has to be implemented for the classification of the activities. Variant Configuration & Object Dependencies: # The transfer of object dependency and classification from R/3 to APO with the PP/DS runtime objects works only with R/3 release 4.6B and above. # To add characteristic requirements to an input node it is necessary to implement the BAdi method CHANGE_EXPL_RESULT of BAdi /SAPAPO/CULLRTOEXPL or using an ABAP class which must be maintained at the input node. In case of non-configurable BOM, it is possible to set default requirements by maintaining batch classification in the BOM. # Restrictions exist in mixed scenarios (VC (Variant Configuration) and CDP). It is not supported to have components (input and output nodes) that are relevant for a variant configuration scenario below a CDP relevant master output. CDP relevant components below a VC relevant master output will be only valuated with a copy of the configuration of the master output or with an own instance configuration that comes from a multilevel configuration. It is not possible to valuate them per object dependency that is linked to the component. PP-PI / Recipes: # The integration of the PDS with R/3 for recipe can only be used with R/3 release 4.6B and higher. # Relationships between phases of different recipes won't be supported. # No material quantity calculation. # No product flow (container resource) . Comparison Report PDS and R/3-Explosion: The comparison report (transaction /SAPAPO/RTO_ORD_COMP) does not compare - sub-operations and secondary resources - set up groups and set up keys - configuration of the input and output products - durations of order internal relationships Continuous Input / Output has to be set via BAdI.
The PDS is NOT RELEASED for parameter efficiency.
Planning with Phantoms: When using the PDS it is not allowed to use the same phantom several times in the BOM of a finished product if a component of this phantom is assigned to different operations in the routing. SNP-PDS Generation from R/3: # No ECM for operations, activities, modes and capacity requirements. # Only the data that is valid at the provided routing explosion date will be considered for the PDS # Only bucket or mixed resources (else error during transfer) # No product variants, configuration will be ignored # Fixed duration (multiple of days) is required # No breaks between the activities are modeled (will be ignored) # Only linear chains of activities are modeled. # Relations in recipes will be checked and cause an error if not linear. # Only the standard sequence of the routing will be considered. # TDPP only via BAdi SNP-PPM Generation: It is not possible to generate SNP-PPMs from a PP/DS-PDS. Instead the generation of the SNP-PDS from R/3 should be used (as mentioned above).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Some planning scenarios within consideration of lengthallowence are not supported
From the planning point of view, either the operation duration or the operation capacity requirement may be variable # not both at the same time. The solution does not support scenarios where the operation duration is fixed and the operation varies according to operation quantity. Not supported as well, are set-up durations which have been modified using an available BADI. Setup times are fixed in the PDS.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
No collective conversation triggered out of the Planning Board
The new transaction is not integrated into the Planning board. That means the selection and transfer of blocks from the planning board into the new transaction is not supported neither the mass conversation directly triggered out of the Planning Board.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Shelf Life
Regarding the shelf life functionality see notes 339576 and 391018.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Delta Reporting with Campaign Planning
The delta reporting for campaign planning requires an SAP ERP 2005 with EhP03 (or higher).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Multiple partial confirmations on an operation of a manufacturing order
Multiple partial confirmations on an operation of a manufacturing order does not reduce remaining duration of the operation An operation of a manufacturing order in R/3 is partially confirmed. The corresponding APO operation also has the remaining duration dates adjusted correctly. Now a second partial confirmation is done on the same operation. But in APO you observe that the remaining duration and dates of the operation are not getting updated according to new values which were just confirmed.
( Changed at 04.10.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Capacity Reservation
The planning of standard lots for continuous input/output does not consider capacity reservations.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Capacity Reservation
The descriptive characterstics are available at on finish product level and this is not propagated to the dependent demand. Therefore, it is only possible to maintain capacity reservation at finished product level.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Collaborative Management of Delivery Schedules (CMDS)
CMDS and ATP: CMDS uses the ATP basic method "Product availability check". Other methods can not be used. However, an extended confirmation logic can be added to the ATP basic method "Product availability ckeck". This functionality should be used only after consultation with SAP. This addendum consists of two parts: The confirmed quantities remain allocated to the single orders even if there's no product availability of the minimum confirmed quantity. The distribution of the ATP quantities that are still available is executed per schedule line and not per item. Ask SAP about the necessary system settings. CMDS and TP/VS: CMDS does not work in combination with TP/VS.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Interchangeability in PP/DS
In PP/DS, there are several restrictions: - in-house production orders with multiple substitutions cannot be transferred to R/3 - Subcontracting and collaboration using scheduling agreements (CMDS) do not take product interchangeability into account - planning with shelf life data is only possible with restrictions - only specific procurement planning heuristics are suitable as product heuristics, e.g. the procurement planning heuristic that plan according to a reorder point method does not take account of product interchangeability For more detailed information, please check the online documentation (SAP library) for SAP Supply Chain Management: Cross-Application Topics -> Product Interchangeability -> Product Interchangeability in PP/DS: Prerequisites Additionally, the following restrictions also apply for PP/DS. - FFF classes can only be used in SNP and G-ATP. In CTM, PP/DS and DP they are not supported. - Interchangeability cannot be used in conjunction with configurable products (neither CBF nor CDP). Parallel discontinuation in which several products are discontinued dependent on another is not supported. Only 1:1 relations/substitutions are supported. Complex product interchangeability of the form 1:M (where 1 product can be substituted by several other products), N:1 or N:M is not supported. The use of assemblies in interchangeability groups is not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Regarding the MRP DS functionality see note 1090435.
( Changed at 14.09.2007 )
Release with restrictions
The Rapid-Planning-Matrix can only be used in combination with the iPPE and with production line resources and not in combination with shop floor resources (single, multi, single-mixed and multi-mixed). The Transaction RPMBAL to display capacity utilisation (capacities of resources and their utilization by activities coming from RPM LC matrices) is not released. See also note 699773.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
Reservation Planning
This application may only be implemented in customer projects with SAP participation that have SAP's consent. Before commencing the project, an evaluation of the project scope and the processes to be covered must be completed together with SAP. The reason for this is that extra integrational programming is always required per customer in order to implement Reservation Planning. The reservation planning method can not be combined with any APO-ATP- method. Only the check quantity equal one in each order line item is supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Quota Arrangement With Demand Splitting is not supported in subcontracting process
Quota arrangement with demand splitting is not supported in a subcontracting scenario, i.e. demand splitting (of a dependend demand) at the subcontractor location according to quotas is not supported, because the integration of several planned orders for subcontracting to ERP is not possible.
( Changed at 19.02.2008 )
Explanation Tool in CTM
Explanation functionality: - Plans/solutions stored in the liveCache will not be explained. - Only the partial and non-delivery of demands will be explained. - Only a current planning run will be explained. It will not be possible to explain a planning run from an old log-file. - Explanations refer to a specific CTM engine run. Generally, a CTM planning run may consist of several engine calls (sequential safety stock, interval planning; parallel planning). Solution indicators: - Only bucket utilization of a resource will be considered, that means time-continuous planning has to use mixed resources.
( Changed at 23.07.2008 )
CTM cannot create multiple Fixed Pegging links for the same material assigned to the same activity
CTM cannot create multiple Fixed Pegging links for the same material assigned to the same activity.
( Changed at 09.07.2008 )
Release with restrictions
Switch off dynamic pegging in CTM
SYSTEM BEHAVIOR: You have the possibility now to switch off the by default activated DYNAMIC PEGGING. In the location Product master, tabstrip DEMAND. The system will not perform any dynamic pegging. POSSIBLE AREA OF APPLICATION: ++PROBLEM AREAS: * In some CTM scenarios the active Dynamic Pegging created irritating results. In case of fixed pegging all supplies outside the specified planning horizon have been pegged dynamic to demands outside the planning horizon instead of being available for demands inside. * In some CTM scenarios rounding blurrings lead to dynamic pegging lanes between very small quantities of demand and supplies. If those connections where crossing the planning horizon the solution tree for inside the planning horizon was fixed ( CTM logic). ++PLANNING APPRAOCH: * The CTM planning run should only show fixed pegging lanes. SOLUTION: With the new switch off possibility, you can prevent that the above described effects occur. The recomended set up would be fixed pegging with the effect only the demands and supplies within the planning horizon are involved. The dynamic pegging is a key function for some other applications. Those will be affected when the switch off has been activated.(Limitat) LIMITATIONS: + PP/DS Optimizer uses the pegging relations to calculate time delay or storage cost, without pegging information these analysis will not be carried out. + Some PP/DS Heuristics need pegging infomation in order to perform the detailed scheduling planning + Alert Display, the quantity alerts and the time alerts will be incorrrect due to missing pegging information. More detail please refer to the APO documentation PP/DS Basic functions/ pegging/ Switch off dynamic pegging.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Manual Transport of CTM Profile settings
Using this function one can transfer the settings of a CTM profile from one system to another, but consider the following limitation: The CTM profile refers to some additional objects (e.g. calendar, planning version, master data selection ID etc.) for selecting the master and transaction data used for planning. Only the reference to the objects as used in CTM profile will be transported. The objects details or the objects iteself will not be transported. The users has to ensure that the objects refered in the transported CTM profile should exists in the traget system. The transport log will list all such objects that do not exists in target system. This has to be manually corrected by the users. This manual transport report is only meant to be used for updating the profile settings. For successful transports it is required that the master data objects referred in CTM profile should exists in both the source and the target system. E.g. Only the the ID for a particular calendar is used in the CTM profile. Thus also only the reference to this calendar will be transported. The calendar itself schoul exist in the target system if one wants to use it. Therefore the calendar needs to be transported separately.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
PPM/PDS in CTM Planning
- Activities need to be in linear sequence - Breaks between activies can only be modeled for PP/DS PPMs, exception the function "Maximum intervall between activities" allows a global break value in SNP PPM (The function can be found in the CTM Profile Tab Setting - Master Data Setting - Inhouse production ... In former Releases the Parameter ACTREL_MAX could be used for this.) - Activity relation only: END -START supported - No support for set up matrixes; utilization parameter; set up activity - The restriction is that the output of the head component, i.e. the o output of the location-product for which the PPM/PDS was selected, needs to be at the last activity. - PI Operations ( Process Industry Operations) are ignored - No off set times supported; yield always available at the end of the activity - For PP/DS PPMs a primary resource must be defined - Utilization and Unscheduled breaks NOT supported only for time continuous resources (works fine for bucket resources)
( Changed at 07.07.2008 )
Documentation - Time Phased Safety Stock planning in CTM
For planning a time phased safety stock (e.g. when using the advanced safety stock methods from SNP) CTM provides two alternative methods which have their own restrictions. 1. Standard Safety Stock planning The standard safety stock method of CTM consits of two internal runs of the CTM engine which are not visible for the user. Because of this two runs it is not possible to consider decreasing safety stock. Example: Week1 Week2 Week3 Saftey Stock 100 150 100 Fcst 200 200 200 CTM Net Requiremnt 300 250 200 (not 150) In Week3 the safety stock decreases from 150 to 100. Thus 50 would be available to fulfill demands. CTM can not consider this thus it would plan 200 to fulfill the forecast instead of planning 150 and using 50 of the safety stock from week2. In order to overcome this and to have 150 planned instead of 200 it is necessary to use the CTM intervall planning which can be performance intensive. 2. Alternative Safety Stock Method (Control Parameter SSTOCK_MODE) When using this setting CTM uses a totally different safety stock method This method carries out only one run. Thus it can consider decreasing time phased safety stock without intervall planning. This method can not consider all prioritisation criteria which can be normally used for CTM. It can not consider the descriptive characteristics for example. Additionlly when using this method fixed pegging can only be created within a supply tree. The supply tree will always be pegged dynamic to the independent requirement to be satisfied. In other words fixed pegging is only planned between dependant requirements but never between independent requirements.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Set-up activitiy / set-up Matrices in CTM
SYSTEM BEHAVIOUR BEFORE APO 40: Input components had to be assigned to the first activity, no scheduling of SET UP activity.( CTM deleted this activity from the dataset send to the CTM engine.) To assign all input components to the first activity (unequal SET UP ACTIVITY) the parameter COMP_REASSIGN had to be used. PROBLEM: Some input components were produced far too early this lead to high inventory cost in scenarios with long throughput times. SOLUTION: SINCE APO 40 the SET UP ACTIVITY will be scheduled and all INPUT COMPONENTS are planned according the start of the activity they belong to. ( No reassignment nescessary for input components) LIMITATION: * The output components still need be assigned to the last activity of a PPM using the parameter COMP_REASSIGN * CTM does not support SET UP MATRICES
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Maximum Pegging Length (Max earliness ) in CTM
The Max Pegging Length is used to restrict the time goods would be stored as inventory. This function is only working in backwards scheduling mode.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Goods Receipt Times in CTM
The function #goods receipt times# is only supported if the following conditions are fulfilled: 1. All possible output products (main output products and co-products) of a SNP or PP/DS plan need to have the same #goods receipt times# and the same "receiving calendars". 2. This is also necessary to consider in case one product is produced in another location. Thus the product#s #goods receipt times# and "receiving calendars" need to be identical as well. Production in another location is a function, which can be used to model a product, which is produced in location A, but its output appears in location B. In case different receiving calendars or receipt times are maintained for the out put products of one plan the goods receipt times are not taken into account. The master data checker of CTM is also checking this and comes back with a message in case the times or the calendars are not identical. For output products of different plans it is possible to have different calendars or receipt times. But note only if the output products refer to DIFFERENT plans. Note also: - Between the last activity of a plan or PPM and the goods receipt activity it is not possible to have any kind of break. This activities must follow seamlessly after each other. - Handlings-resourses are not supported by CTM. - For planned orders only goods reciept times are possible. Goods issue times does not exit. - This behavior is not valid for procurement orders.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Product Interchangeability / Material Discontinuation in CTM
Since SCM 4.0 a limited material discontinuation with CTM is possible. This means that only 1:1 relation-ships can be modeled. Thus one product can be replaced by exact one other product in a certain period. Further more the standard use-up strategy can be used but also here certain limits exist. In other words the stock of the preceding product can be used up in the period defined for the interchangeability. For further details see the SCM 4.0 documentation at Multi Level Supply and Demand Matching - CTM # Product interchangeability in CTM. Please also consider following restrictions: -The interchangeability is only working outside the production horizon -Super-session beyond discontinuation is not considered. Discontinuation is defined by a 1:1 relationship and forward substitution -CTM does not support the reversed substitution direction, that also allows the substitution of a product with the predecessor product during a substitution relationship of category "Fully Exchangeable". -FFF-classes (Form-Fit-Function-classes) are not supported -Use-up limited by quantity is not considered. Further more a consequently, total use-up of a discontinued product cannot be assured. -The discontinuation in CTM is based on substitutions rules. -In CTM the order selection treads existing substitution orders like other order types. As a new feature, the production horizon is used as fixing horizon for substitution orders.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Make to order process in CTM
Since SCM 4.0 CTM can also support Make to Order + This is only possible when using CTM time continous planning. .
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Forecasting w/o final assembly in CTM
Since SCM 4.0 CTM supports also forecasting without final assembly. The same restrictions which are vaild for for PP/DS are also valid for CTM. Additionally SNP has only display access to those planned orders. For displaying the order BAdi SAPAPO/SDP_INTERACT, Method: GET_KEYF_SPECIALS needs to be activated. In addition all restrictions for PP/DS are also valid for CTM * FCST w/o Final Ass. is only valid for the first level of the BOM * Safety Stock will be created only for the make-to-stock-segment * CTM supports FCST w/o Final Ass. only for inhouse production * Only demands in the make-to-stock-segment can consume stock.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Production in another Location in CTM
SYSTEM BEHAVIOR In order to plan a product which has to be produced in location A while planning responsibility lies in the location B you have to main- tain the planning location in the PPM (PDS or IPPE) This will trigger an automated process: Planned order with receipt of the finished product in the planning location B and the issue of the components in producing location A. ENHANCEMENT: * No stock of the finished product in the production location Reduction of stock and throughput time. * No additional transportation lanes between production location and planning location nescessary. Less administrative effort. * This process is supported also in integrated scenarios R/3-APO LIMITATIONS: * This process is not meant to model subcontracting or distribution scenarions due to the simplified method. In subcontracting and transportation scenarios the transportation lanes and other transport relevant masterdata are essential to model the relations, quotas, transportation time and lotsizes, etc. * It is not possible with the new "Prod in another location scenario" to group the various demands to build lots for the production in the producing location.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Lotzise Limitations in CTM
Periodic lot sizes and the reorder point method is not supported by CTM. All other methods: Lot for Lot, max./min. lotsize and rounding values are supported by CTM.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Forward scheduling in CTM
If forward scheduling is used certain restrictions need to be taken into account: - The max.earliness is not working with forward scheduling Max Earliness = Max Pegging Length = MPL The MPL is one of two new functions available since SCM 4.0. It is used to restrict the time goods stored as inventory. This function is only working in backward scheduling mode. - All the different CTM late demand handling strategies are not working with forward sched. In case of late demand handling CTM stays in forward scheduling mode and tries to find a supply as early as possible. - Target days of Supply (TDS) is also not applicable with forward scheduling.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Goods issue/receipt Dates/times in CTM
New System behaviour: Goods receipt and goods issue times will be taken into account during the scheduling. The system will regard the shipping and the receiving calendar for the involved locations LIMITATION: * The Goods receipt and Goods Issue times will only be applicable for external procurement process. No GR/GI times for inhouse production. * Handling Resources are not supported.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Parallelization in CTM
It is not possible to use rules in combination with parallelization. In CTM profile maintenance the corresponding setting will be excluded. Demand and supply simulation in CTM profile transaction is not supported. Demand and supply lists are available only with restrictions.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Transport and Handling Resources in CTM
Resource Attributes: The transportation resource size is not considered. Time-continuous, calendar, and mixed resources must have 100% utilization and no unscheduled breaks. Goods Receipt for Production: Goods receipt for a specific production plan is only considered if all possible output products use the same handling resource. Only capacity consumption for main output is considered. Especially, production at another location with a handling resource at the planning location does not create a goods receipt activity in the following scenarios: - Co-products exist - Production version for production location exists Supply Chain Viewer The supply chain viewer (transaction /SAPAPO/CTMVIEWER) is not enhanced to display individual activities and resource consumptions for external procurement
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
FFF classes: Integration and usage in CTM
The integration of FFF classes from ERP to APO is only possible, if DIMP functionality is activated in ERP. Standard ECC without DIMP functionality activated doesn#t contain any interchangeability master data. There will be no integration of substitution orders from APO to ERP. This is not a new limitation; the limitation exists since substitution orders were introduced with APO3.0.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Demand split and contract info for CTM
Consideration of Contract Info when Creating Purchase Requisitions: Subcontracting is not supported. The supply chain viewer will no Demand Split for Quota Arrangement: Fractions required from the different sources are calculated from the quota arrangement, but are Thus resulting supply may deviate from quota arrangement. Fractions supplied from the different sources may deviate also from quota when fallback strategy is applied. Demand split features like a minimum partial quantity or pooling of requirements are not supporte Disaggregation of transactional data: If the disaggregation should be able to disaggregate the value of each bucket always without a the rounding values on item level have to be all the same within one group and the rounding value on group level has to be a multipl Also the minimum lot size of the group level should be bigger or equal to the minimum lot size on item level. This is only a recomme Disaggregation works also without these restrictions. The disaggregation of subcontracting orders, scheduling agreements, VMI orders and planning results from deployment or TLB heuristic are not supported by the disaggregation functionality. Disaggregation of Resource Consumption: This new function is only available for production resources. The validity dates (from/to) o (from/to) of the corresponding header-ppms have to be identical. Extraction of Aggregated Data It will not be possible to extract ag 9AACPR, 9ALA, 9AMALA, 9AMALASA, 9AMALOSA, and 9AMAPR. For resource-related aggregates, only the resource hierarchy will be considere
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
CTM-Accessibility and connect ATP rules
The following restrictions apply: - Interchangeability Master data (INCMD) substitutions support 1:n -AND relations which is not supported by CTM these substitutions have to be deleted for CTM. - INCMD substitutions support n:1 -AND relations which is not supported by CTM. In case of ATP rules with INCMD this is not a problem as the ATP does not support n:1 -AND relations either. - INCMD substitutions support quantity factors which is not supported by CTM. - With INCMD substitutions ATP rules support lists of validity periods for a single substitution. These lists can contain gaps. CTM will not support these lists and will still read just one validity period specified in the existing ATP rules interface. - Today ATP rules support finding and evaluating more than one rule by specifying more than one inclusive rule. CTM only supports on With the modifications for Service Parts Management the rule determination process will support more than one rule strategy, i.e. for each processed rule strategy one or more rules will be found/evaluated. CTM will only support one inclusive rule strategy and an arbitrary number of exclusive rule strategies. - Maximum number of substitutions and substitutions entity will not be supported by CTM. This specifies how many substitutions can b It can be specified whether the number of substitutions is valid for location or location products. - Consolidation location will not be supported by CTM. At the level of the ATP rule (//RBA02, fields CONS_LOCID, DIRSHIP, DELGRP_COR a location can be specified that will serve as a single point of confirmation. All applied substitutions will finally be represented order to the consolidation location from where the actual confirmation takes place. The consolidation location leads to new substitu these substitutions have to be deleted for CTM. - Reassignment of confirmation will not be supported by CTM. Confirmed and allocated quantities can be reassigned in ATP, this is no - Only the current functionality of rules supported by CTM will be used from the ATP rules inter-changeability master data - New functions offered by interchangeability master data for ATP rules are NOT supported by CTM
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Aggregated Planning with CTM
# Only 2 level product location hierarchies are supported by CTM # The aggregated planning function is only possible in case of SNP bucket planning scenario, i.e. only SNP PPMS/PDS hierarchy is con only the resource hierarchy for bucket resources is available at the moment. # Order types should also be of type SNP. In case of aggregated planning with hierarchy then the op-tion to use PPDS order types wil # Aggregation step is always executed at run time and hence the aggregation results cannot be saved for later displaying i.e. physic by CTM is not possible. Physical ag-gregation is possible with SNP interactive planning. # Interactive processes like changing, creating and deleting an aggregated order is not possible in CTM. It can be only performed wi # Netting / planning with substitution orders is not possible as substitution orders are not integrated to R/3(AFS), though they can be used in case no integration of such orders is required. # Supply Distribution function does not recognize any hierarchy definitions # Same UOM should be maintained for both the header and sub product # The standard safety stock planning(default method) is not supported for hierarchy. Only the ex-tended method (using SSTOCK_MODE pa # MTO, Planning without final assembly , Subcontracting scenarios can be used for planning but they are as not supported for the sta # Descriptive characteristics for sub products cannot be used
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Interchangeability: CTM does not support option "fully interchangeable products"
In the interchangeability master data, you can distinguish the options "forward" and "fully" interchageable. CTM only supports the option "forward". If you maintain "fully", this is interpreted as "forward" by CTM.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
SNP Propagation Planning
The SNP propagation planning (planning area SNP 9ASNP01, transaction /SAPAPO/SNPSOP) can only be used with times series live Cache. In productive systems, this functionality should be used only after consultation of SAP.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Descriptive Characteristics
Manual changes for descriptive characteristics are not possible.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Stock Transport Order in purchasing applications
This functionality will only be available for purchasing applications that use the business logic of the #new# Purchasing Order (PO) transactions, i. e. # only for stock transport orders (STO), not for stock transport purchase requisitions, not for stock transport scheduling agreement # only for the #new# purchasing transactions ME21N ff; # only for the #new# mass transaction for automatic creation of purchase orders from requisitions ME59N. The only exception is STO items created from SCM via CIF, because CIF still uses the coding of the #old# PO. Also in this case we would use the new functionality if customizing is set accordingly. If the new functionality is switched on, we could get different results from ATP check depending on the use of the #old# transaction ME22 or the #new# transaction ME22N. Therefore we cannot allow the processing of STOs created with transactions ME21N/ME59N with transaction ME22. Further restriction: As now in purchasing standard, schedule lines will only be created and changed on daily, not on secondly basis.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
AFS-SNP: Aggregation and Disaggregation
Single-level Allocation of Receipt and Issue on Sublevel (SKU-Netting): Stock transfer order created by Single-level Allocation of Receipt and Issue on Sublevel will NOT be grouped across different sub location products according to the locations product hierarchy since the header level information for grouping is not available on sub level. For a location product only the location products with are direct external procurement sources are consid-ered to allocate existing Subsequent sourcing through the network to find and allo-cate existing receipts (multi level) is NOT supported by this function. The allocation is only done for receipts which can be utilized by external procurement. Allocation via in-house production is NOT supported by this function. Disaggregation of transactional data: If the disaggregation should be able to disaggregate the value of each bucket always without a the rounding values on item level have to be all the same within one group and the rounding value on group level has to be a multipl Also the minimum lot size of the group level should be bigger or equal to the minimum lot size on item level. This is only a recomme Disaggregation works also without these restrictions. The disaggregation of subcontracting orders, scheduling agreements, VMI orders and planning results from deployment or TLB heuristic are not supported by the disaggregation functionality. The SNP disaggregation only works for SNP planned production orders and purchase requisitions. Substitution orders are not disaggregated. Enhancements for Disaggregation of Resource Consumption This new function is only available for production resources. The validity dates (from/to) of the sub-ppms and the validity dates (from/to) of the corresponding header-ppms have to be identical. Extraction of Aggregated Data It will not be possible to extract aggregated data from aggregates 9AACPR, 9ALA, 9AMALA, 9AMALASA, 9AM For resource-related aggregates, only the resource hierarchy will be considered.
( Changed at 03.04.2009 )
Direct Shipment (DS) functionality
The DS functionality is relevant for a small range of products. The activation, means maintenance at the transportation lane, is product specific. This has to be done to ensure that only relevant products will be in the scope of the customer. The Direct Shipment functionality will not consider quotations. The new functionality will use the TLB but will not create TLB order When calling the TLB in the Direct Shipment mode the following option will be deactivated: - Priorization of demands. - Calculation of ATD quantities. The Direct Shipment functionality will only be introduced to the SNP-Heuristic. There is no relevance for the Deployment run because here the DS-Lane can be prioritized, using fair share rules. The consideration of Resource Calendars is only relevant for the In-House Production scenario.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Stock Transport Order and product interchangeability
The functionality of product interchangeability in Stock Transport Orders (STO)s will not support - purchasing requisitions and scheduling agreements; - old purchase transaction e.g. ME21; - rescheduling in ERP, therefore in fall-back case no rescheduling is possible. It will be only available as part of the defense solution, i. e. for customers with Enterprise Add On for Defense Forces and Public The fallback scenario is only available for defense customers who use an ERP system with DIMP switched on. No manual changes of sub items with exchange material are possible. Therefore the handling in case of inconsistencies between confirmed quantity in STO/delivery and real quantity in warehouse at time issue can only be resolved as follows: - Either deletion and recreation of STO and delivery; or - post goods issue with #real# quantity (reduce delivered quantity), post goods receipt and set delivery complete indicator, correct situation in warehouse, create new STO item.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Aggregated Supply Network Planning
The SNP disaggregation only works for SNP planned production orders and purchase requisitions. Substitution orders (created by interchangeability rules) are not disaggregated. Due to the nature of aggregated planning, some limitations regarding the consideration of item level constraints apply. The followin If the disaggregation should be able to disaggregate the value of each bucket always without any residual, the rounding values on item level have to be all the same within one group and the rounding value on group level has to be a multipl Also the minimum lot size of the group level should be bigger or equal to the minimum lot size on item level. This is only a recomme Disaggregation works also without these restrictions. If replenishment for multiple levels (locations) of the supply chain should be the following conditions have to be met: - The same groups have to be defined in all locations - The disaggregation has to be executed in a specific order (beginning with the end of the supply chain where demand exists on the i in order to get disaggregation demand for all levels. - No cycles are allowed within the planned levels of the supply chain. The release of the planned production from SNP to PP/DS works on item level. No disaggregation will be done in the release step. If the resource consumption of fixed orders on item level should be considered properly, the following conditions regarding resource - The same resources on item level as well as on group level have to be used. - Also the PPMs and lanes on item and group level have to be similar in terms of resource consumption. Otherwise the resource capacity on group level should be the sum of the different resource types of the item level. Also if multiple PPMs are used on item level, the resource consumption of the group level PPM should be the sum of the different PPM The PPMs on product group level cannot be generated automatically. Product dependent parameters (e.g. production/transport horizon)will considered only on the group level.
( Changed at 03.04.2009 )
AFS-SNP: Handling of the order group object in SNP
Order Group only supported by SNP Aggregated Planning: The order group is SNP specific and not generic. This implicates that only SNP Aggregated Planning does use order group data and functions. Other functions in APO (e.g. PPDS Product are not be able to display order group information or to select orders based on group information or to apply any group related func Deployment: SNP Deployment does not support grouped orders since deployment does notsupport Aggregated Planning. As a result a deployment run does not reuse the group information of the processed SNP planned stock transfer orders. Deployment does also not attach group information to the createddeployment-confirmed stock transfer orders. TLB: Following the argumentation as for deployment also SNP TLB does not support grouped orders. VMI: The VMI process, especially the creation of sales orders in R/3, does not support the order group. Within the global AFS projec Intransit orders in SNP interactive planning will not have any order group information. Forecasts created in SNP: Manually created Forecast orders in SNP interactive planning will not have any order group information. Interchangebility: Since Substitution orders are not supported in the disaggregation, ordergroups are not supported for Sub-stitutio Scheduling Agreements: Since Scheduling Agreement orders are not supported in the disaggregation, order groups are not sup-ported fo Subcontracting: Subcontracting orders will not be disaggregated or physically aggregated Release from SNP to DP: The release from SN group information and does notutilize the location product hierarchy for transferring SNP order data to DP key figures. Extended Release from DP to SNP: The extended release from DP to SNP can create SNP planned production orders, SNP purchase requisit transfer orders. These orders do not have any group information when they are created by the extended release. BAPIs for creating/reading orders: BAPIs do not support the order group in SCM 5.0 means the existing orderBAPIs for orders are not order group information.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Interactive Order Maintenance in SNP
Mass copy and mass fixing/unfixing of orders in SNP interactive planning is only possible for planned production orders.
( Changed at 21.07.2008 )
2Excel-Upload in Demand Planning
The solution works only within SCM Demand Planning. Supply Network Planning is not supported.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Auxiliary Key Figures in SNP Planning Areas
Auxiliary key figures cannot be created anymore in APO releases > 3.1. However, if you have done an upgrade from a previous APO rele then you can still use the auxiliary key figures which you have created in previous APO releases < 4.0, but you cannot add any new o
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Navigation Attributes Can Not be Used in SNP
Navigation attributes cannot be used in SNP. For a detailed explanation, please check note 453644.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
AFS-SNP: Aggregated Planning with SNP Optimizer
SNP Optimizer When Optimizer runs on the header level, the setup statuses of the sub resources cannot be considered by cross-period Usage of aggregated Sources Of Supply This scenario is only valid for In-House Production, e.g. the disaggregation is only available Further on the SNP Heuristic will use aggregated sources of supply only for In-House Production.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
AFS-SNP: Capacity View for Aggregated Resources
Capacity View for Aggregated Resources The key figure #production (planned)# is editable in the grid and in the detail view. The key figure #aggregated production (plnd)# in the grid is not editable. The detailed screen for that key figure is also not edita
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
SNP Release to DP: Using descriptive characteristics for stock elements
In the release from DP to SNP descriptive characteristics can be added to the forecast order which can be used to control the CTM pl Afterwards the constrained CTM result can be released back to DP by descriptive characteristics using the pegging between the foreca For pegged stock elements the release to DP using the descriptive characteristics is not possible.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Descriptive Characteristics
Manual changes for descriptive characteristics are not possible.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
SNP Master Data
Quota arrangement: By mass maintenance of quota arrangement, the means of transport can not be changed Time dependent penalty costs: By mass maintenance of time dependent penalty costs, the valid date can not be changed. The time horizons are absolute dates. Rollin Time series key figures: By mass maintenance of TS key figures, Values will not be extended further and must be maintained newly.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Shelf Life in SNP
Shelf life in SNP is not supported. Please check note 574321. For specific cases, the SNP Optimizer is able to consider shelf life, Details can be found in note 579556.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Requirement Strategies and Forecast Consumption in SNP
SNP only supports strategy 10 (anonymous make-to-stock production) and 20 (planning with final assembly). Strategies 30 (planning wi and 40 (planning product) are not supported. SNP supports as PIR segment only the "Net Segment" that is used in strategy 10 and 20 i This is valid for the SNP Heuristic and for the SNP Optimiser. Planned Independent Requirements (PIR) Segment: the quantities for make-to-order operations are in general planned separately to those for make-to-stock operations. T hese areas are known as PIR segments. In general you can only plan within a PIR segment. This means that you cannot consume planned for a make-to-stockscenario. However a special segment to cover exactly this is offered, the PIR segment Planning without final asse For more details, see the F1 help for the PIR Segment field in the requirements strategy. Supply Network Planning (SNP) cannot work For example demand in this segment is not shown in SNP. Consequently you should not use requirements strategies that use this segment: in the standard system these are the strategies 30 an by activating and using the BADI /SAPAPO/SDP_INTERACT (Interface GET_KEYF_SPECIALS) it is possible to display orders from the segment "Make-to-Order" and/or orders from the segment "Planning without final assembly". But it is only possible to display these orders, planning with strategy 30 or 40 is not possible!
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Scheduling of orders
The scheduling of orders in APO or the integration of orders to R3 can be different: - Optimizer will always use Forward Scheduling instead of Backward Scheduling like in the Data Management Layer. Therefore we will get deviations regarding the start date of activities. - There is only a harmonization between SNP and CTM. Regarding the Scheduling of activities no breaks between activities are allowed which can be maintained by the customer in CTM. - In contrast to CTM or PPDS, the Optimizer will use the calendar of calendar-resource for scheduling activities except for Goods Re - In R/3 we have only one calendar, the factory calendar, to schedule the GR Activity. In APO this is the production calendar.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
AFS-SNP: Master data integration (means of transport)
Master data: Over the CIF it will be only delivered the transportation lane header and header product / SKU specific transportation A transportation lane is only valid, if it contains at least one means of transportation. Means of transportation cannot be delivere therefore the transferred lanes are not consistent. The missing means of transportation has to be maintained manually or over approp The product hierarchy may have only 2 levels (parent and child level).
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
AFS-SNP: Aggregation settings for Safety Stock Planning
Safety Stock Planning Time-dependent parameters of standard safety stock methods MB, MZ, and MM have to be stored in time series liv to allow method parameter aggregation. There will be no inheritance logic "product hierarchy ? location product hierarchy" for aggre (method parameter aggregation, historical data aggregation), i.e., aggregation settings will always be read from location product hi There will be no mass maintenance for aggregation settings. There will be no disaggregation functionality for safety stock values. C In Aggregated Planning only production resources will be supported. When determining PPM/PDS to shift orders to the header level lot not be considered. When leveling a header resource it will not be allowed to specify its sub resources as alternative resources.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Capacity Leveling: consideration of resources, PPMs/PDS and lot sizes
SNP Capacity Leveling takes production and transportation resources into account. In Release SCM 5.0 only alternative production res It means, only production orders will be able to be moved to other PPM/PDS. By heuristic method the leveling resource and alternativ in one PDS/PPM. Otherwise it may generate overloads in a circle, because heuristic method considers resources only locally. Addition if more than one PDS/PPM is defined for the same location product and consumes the same alternative resource, heuristic method will with the highest priority. The other PDS/PPMs will be ignored. Neither the maximal nor the minimal lot size of PDS/PPMs is considere to create new orders. By optimizer method they are interpreted as maximal and minimal production quantity on one day.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Parallelization of SNP Applications
For the on-line complete or delta SNP master data initialization by transaction /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN, report /SAPAPO/TS_PAREA_INITIALIZE or report /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_CONS_CHECK or activated by an SNP transaction a parallelization will not be possible. This is because - a parallelization profile cannot be specified in the case of delta master data initialization triggered by an SNP application - the master process in on-line mode is a dialogue process which undergoes a run time re-striction, thus it is likely that the whole there is insufficient time available for the master process - for DP parallel processing in online mode is not possible. To ensure a common handling of the master data initialization for SNP and DP, we will not support parallel processing in online mode The consistency check report /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_CONS_CHECK cannot find obsolete master data when parallel processing is chosen. To check for obsolete master data a sequential run must be executed. The master data situation that causes errors is in most cases m
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Consideration of GR times for PPM/PDS-validity
The consideration of GR times for PPM/PDS-validity is different between different applications and R/3: - Optimizer will always use Forward Scheduling instead of Backward Scheduling like in the DM Layer. Therefore we will get deviations - There is only a harmonization between SNP and CTM. Regarding the Scheduling of activities no breaks between activities are allowed - In contrast to CTM or PPDS the Optimizer will use the calendar of calendar-resource for schedul-ing activities except for Goods Re - In R/3 we have only one calendar, the factory calendar, to schedule the GR Activity. In APO this is the production calendar.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Scheduling Agreements in SNP
Procurement scheduling agreements are supported by the SNP Heuristics but not by the SNP Optimiser. The calls from sales scheduling agreements are planning relevant but they are only displayed as a total and not for each individual
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
All SNP applications do not consider the fixed material consumption in PPM plan
All SNP applications do not consider the fixed material consumption in PPM plan.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Subcontracting in SNP
Subcontracting in SNP is supported by both the SNP Heuristic and the SNP Optimiser. Capacity Leveling for subcontracting resources i Deployment and TLB of subcontracting orders (from the subcontractor to the receiving plant) are also not supported. The planned order at the subcontractor and the transport order from the subcontractor to the plant are not planned separately, i.e. there are only time lags due to the respective calendars. Therefore it is recommended for the SNP Optimiser that either the pro or the transport capacity should be a constraint but not both. For subcontracting with third-party provision in SNP, for every subco to be sent directly from the supplier to the subcontractor, transportation lanes from the supplier (start location) to the subcontra have to be created manually. The associated external procurement relationship has to be assigned to the transportation lanes . If you want to use subcontracting with source location in SNP and PPMs are used, then for each subcontracting component that you wa to to the subcontractor, you have to manually create a transportation lane from the plant (start location) to the subcontractor (destination location).
( Changed at 23.07.2008 )
SNP Propagation Planning
The SNP propagation planning (planning area SNP 9ASNP01, transaction /SAPAPO/SNPSOP) can only be used with times series live Cache. In productive systems, this functionality should be used only after consultation of SAP.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Scheduling Agreements in SNP
Procurement scheduling agreements are supported by the SNP Heuristics but not by the SNP Optimiser. The calls from sales scheduling agreements are planning relevant but they are only displayed as a total and not for each individual customer.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Subcontracting in SNP
Subcontracting in SNP is supported by both the SNP Heuristic and the SNP Optimiser. Capacity Leveling for subcontracting resources is not supported. Deployment and TLB of subcontracting orders (from the subcontractor to the receiving plant) are also not supported. The planned order at the subcontractor and the transport order from the subcontractor to the plant are not planned separately, i.e. there are only time lags due to the respective calendars. Therefore it is recommended for the SNP Optimiser that either the production capacity at the subcontractor or the transport capacity should be a constraint but not both. For subcontracting with third-party provision in SNP, for every subcontracting component that has to be sent directly from the supplier to the subcontractor, transportation lanes from the supplier (start location) to the subcontractor (destination location) have to be created manually. The associated external procurement relationship has to be assigned to the transportation lanes . If you want to use subcontracting with source location in SNP and PPMs are used, then for each subcontracting component that you want to send from the plant to to the subcontractor, you have to manually create a transportation lane from the plant (start location) to the subcontractor (destination location). Subcontracting with multiple production versions is supported. However, for an integration with an SAP ERP system, SAP ERP 2005 with at least EhP 03 is required.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Aggregated Supply Network Planning
The SNP disaggregation only works for SNP planned production orders and purchase requisitions. Substitution orders (created by interchangeability rules) are not disaggregated. Due to the nature of aggregated planning, some limitations regarding the consideration of item level constraints apply. The following restrictions apply: If the disaggregation should be able to disaggregate the value of each bucket always without any residual, the rounding values on item level have to be all the same within one group and the rounding value on group level has to be a multiple of this. Also the minimum lot size of the group level should be bigger or equal to the minimum lot size on item level. This is only a recommendation. Disaggregation works also without these restrictions. If replenishment for multiple levels (locations) of the supply chain should be planned via aggregated planning, the following conditions have to be met: - The same groups have to be defined in all locations - The disaggregation has to be executed in a specific order (beginning with the end of the supply chain where demand exists on the item level) in order to get disaggregation demand for all levels. - No cycles are allowed within the planned levels of the supply chain. The release of the planned production from SNP to PP/DS works on item level. No disaggregation will be done in the release step. If the resource consumption of fixed orders on item level should be considered properly, the following conditions regarding resources have to be met: - The same resources on item level as well as on group level have to be used. - Also the PPMs and lanes on item and group level have to be similar in terms of resource consumption. Otherwise the resource capacity on group level should be the sum of the different resource types of the item level. Also if multiple PPMs are used on item level, the resource consumption of the group level PPM should be the sum of the different PPM types of the item level. The PPMs on product group level cannot be generated automatically. Product dependent parameters (e.g. production/transport horizon) will considered only on the group level.
( Changed at 03.04.2009 )
Requirement Strategies and Forecast Consumption in SNP
SNP only supports strategy 10 (anonymous make-to-stock production) and 20 (planning with final assembly). Strategies 30 (planning without final assembly) and 40 (planning product) are not supported. SNP supports as PIR segment only the "Net Segment" that is used in strategy 10 and 20 in standard APO. This is valid for the SNP Heuristic and for the SNP Optimiser. Planned Independent Requirements (PIR) Segment: the quantities for make-to-order operations are in general planned separately to those for make-to-stock operations. These areas are known as PIR segments. In general you can only plan within a PIR segment. This means that you cannot consume planned independent requirements for a make-to-stockscenario. However a special segment to cover exactly this is offered, the PIR segment Planning without final assembly, without individual requirements. For more details, see the F1 help for the PIR Segment field in the requirements strategy. Supply Network Planning (SNP) cannot work with the individual customer segment. For example demand in this segment is not shown in SNP. Consequently you should not use requirements strategies that use this segment: in the standard system these are the strategies 30 and 40. However, by activating and using the BADI /SAPAPO/SDP_INTERACT (Interface GET_KEYF_SPECIALS) it is possible to display orders from the segment "Make-to-Order" and/or orders from the segment "Planning without final assembly". But it is only possible to display these orders, planning with strategy 30 or 40 is not possible!
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Shelf Life in SNP
SNP planning applications do not support shelf life. The only exception is the SNP Optimizer that provides a limited shelf life functionality. Details can be found in note 579556. From SCM 5.1 on, a post-planning shelf life solution exists that propagates shelf life requirements of sales orders / forecasts along the supply chain, identifies shelf life mismatches and raises macro-based alerts. This solution has the following limitations: + Shelf life propagation and macros only work if the dynamic pegging functionality is not switched off. + If there is more than one receipt that could satisfy a demand it is not guaranteed that shelf life propagation will choose the optimum receipt (in the sense of minimum number of shelf life alerts). + Shelf life propagation only considers orders created by SNP applications or CTM (in SNP mode) and stocks, sales orders and forecasts. + Shelf life propagation can only split SNP planned orders and SNP stock transfers. No lotsize restrictions are considered. + After creating orders or changing their shelf life data a shelf life propagation has to be performed to get a consistent shelf life situation in the supply chain. + The transfer of shelf life data of purchase requisitions and purchase orders from ERP to SCM and back is only possible if the ERP system is on release ERP 2005 with Enhancement Package 03 (or higher) installed and Business Function 'SCM/ERP Integration' (SCM_GEN_02) activated. Details can be found in note 1072022.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Interactive Order Maintenance in SNP
Mass copy and mass fixing/unfixing of orders in SNP interactive planning is only possible for planned production orders, not for planned stock transfer orders.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
SNP Release to DP: Using descriptive characteristics for stock elements
In the release from DP to SNP descriptive characteristics can be added to the forecast order which can be used to control the CTM planning run. Afterwards the constrained CTM result can be released back to DP by descriptive characteristics using the pegging between the forecast order and the planned receipts. For pegged stock elements the release to DP using the descriptive characteristics is not possible.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
SNP Master Data
Quota arrangement: By mass maintenance of quota arrangement, the means of transport can not be changed Time dependent penalty costs: By mass maintenance of time dependent penalty costs, the valid date can not be changed. The time horizons are absolute dates. Rolling horizons are not supported . Time series key figures: By mass maintenance of TS key figures, Values will not be extended further and must be maintained newly.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
AFS-SNP: Handling of the order group object in SNP
Order Group only supported by SNP Aggregated Planning: The order group is SNP specific and not generic. This implicates that only SNP Aggregated Planning does use order group data and functions. Other functions in APO (e.g. PPDS Product View) are not be able to display order group information or to select orders based on group information or to apply any group related functionality. Deployment: SNP Deployment does not support grouped orders since deployment does notsupport Aggregated Planning. As a result a deployment run does not reuse the group information of the processed SNP planned stock transfer orders. Deployment does also not attach group information to the createddeployment-confirmed stock transfer orders. TLB: Following the argumentation as for deployment also SNP TLB does not support grouped orders. VMI: The VMI process, especially the creation of sales orders in R/3, does not support the order group. Within the global AFS project the VMI process is modeled in ICH (Inventory Collaboration Hub). Intransit orders created in SNP: Manually created Intransit orders in SNP interactive planning will not have any order group information. Forecasts created in SNP: Manually created Forecast orders in SNP interactive planning will not have any order group information. Interchangebility: Since Substitution orders are not supported in the disaggregation, ordergroups are not supported for Sub-stitution orders. Scheduling Agreements: Since Scheduling Agreement orders are not supported in the disaggregation, order groups are not sup-ported for Scheduling Agreements. Subcontracting: Subcontracting orders will not be disaggregated or physically aggregated Release from SNP to DP: The release from SNP to DP do not use the group information and does notutilize the location product hierarchy for transferring SNP order data to DP key figures. Extended Release from DP to SNP: The extended release from DP to SNP can create SNP planned production orders, SNP purchase requisitions and SNP planned stock transfer orders. These orders do not have any group information when they are created by the extended release. BAPIs for creating/reading orders: BAPIs do not support the order group in SCM 5.0 means the existing orderBAPIs for orders are not able to create or retrieve order group information.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
AFS-SNP: Aggregation settings for Safety Stock Planning
Safety Stock Planning Time-dependent parameters of standard safety stock methods MB, MZ, and MM have to be stored in time series liveCache key figures to allow method parameter aggregation. There will be no inheritance logic "product hierarchy ? location product hierarchy" for aggregation settings (method parameter aggregation, historical data aggregation), i.e., aggregation settings will always be read from location product hierarchy. There will be no mass maintenance for aggregation settings. There will be no disaggregation functionality for safety stock values. Capacity Leveling In Aggregated Planning only production resources will be supported. When determining PPM/PDS to shift orders to the header level lot size restrictions will not be considered. When leveling a header resource it will not be allowed to specify its sub resources as alternative resources.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
AFS-SNP: Capacity View for Aggregated Resources
Capacity View for Aggregated Resources The key figure #production (planned)# is editable in the grid and in the detail view. The key figure #aggregated production (plnd)# in the grid is not editable. The detailed screen for that key figure is also not editable.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
AFS-SNP: Aggregated Planning with SNP Optimizer
SNP Optimizer When Optimizer runs on the header level, the setup statuses of the sub resources cannot be considered by cross-period lot size planning. Usage of aggregated Sources Of Supply This scenario is only valid for In-House Production, e.g. the disaggregation is only available for production resources. Further on the SNP Heuristic will use aggregated sources of supply only for In-House Production.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
AFS-SNP: Master data integration (means of transport)
Master data: Over the CIF it will be only delivered the transportation lane header and header product / SKU specific transportation lanes. A transportation lane is only valid, if it contains at least one means of transportation. Means of transportation cannot be delivered from a R/3 in a standard way; therefore the transferred lanes are not consistent. The missing means of transportation has to be maintained manually or over appropriate BADI. The product hierarchy may have only 2 levels (parent and child level).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Scheduling of orders
The scheduling of orders in APO or the integration of orders to R3 can be different: - Optimizer will always use Forward Scheduling instead of Backward Scheduling like in the Data Management Layer. Therefore we will get deviations regarding the start date of activities. - There is only a harmonization between SNP and CTM. Regarding the Scheduling of activities no breaks between activities are allowed, which can be maintained by the customer in CTM. - In contrast to CTM or PPDS, the Optimizer will use the calendar of calendar-resource for scheduling activities except for Goods Receipt activities. - In R/3 we have only one calendar, the factory calendar, to schedule the GR Activity. In APO this is the production calendar.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
TLB & Deployment Heuristic: use of reservation quantities
It is only possible to use the functionality with planning areas, which contains the timeseries keyfigure for display of reservation quantities. The functionality is only available as part of realtime-deployment with the option 'Replan all existing Deployment Stock transfer orders'. Because it is necessary to carry out reading and deletion of deployment STOs and to start a restricted SNP location heuristic for all destination location products (in addition to the 'normally' deployment steps) it is possible, that a large selection leads to a decrease of performance. This has to be considered using the functionality and during planning of massprocessing Jobs.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Direct Shipment (DS) functionality
The DS functionality is relevant for a small range of products. The activation, means maintenance at the transportation lane, is product specific. This has to be done to ensure that only relevant products will be in the scope of the customer. The Direct Shipment functionality will not consider quotations. The new functionality will use the TLB but will not create TLB orders. When calling the TLB in the Direct Shipment mode the following option will be deactivated: - Priorization of demands. - Calculation of ATD quantities. The Direct Shipment functionality will only be introduced to the SNP-Heuristic. There is no relevance for the Deployment run because here the DS-Lane can be prioritized, using fair share rules. The consideration of Resource Calendars is only relevant for the In-House Production scenario.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Capacity Leveling: consideration of resources, PPMs/PDS and lot sizes
SNP Capacity Leveling takes production and transportation resources into account. In Release SCM 5.0 only alternative production resources will be considered. It means, only production orders will be able to be moved to other PPM/PDS. By heuristic method the leveling resource and alternative resources cannot be consumed in one PDS/PPM. Otherwise it may generate overloads in a circle, because heuristic method considers resources only locally. Additionally, if more than one PDS/PPM is defined for the same location product and consumes the same alternative resource, heuristic method will consider only the PDS/PPM with the highest priority. The other PDS/PPMs will be ignored. Neither the maximal nor the minimal lot size of PDS/PPMs is considered by heuristic method to create new orders. By optimizer method they are interpreted as maximal and minimal production quantity on one day.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Parallelization of SNP Applications
For the on-line complete or delta SNP master data initialization by transaction /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN, report /SAPAPO/TS_PAREA_INITIALIZE or report /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_CONS_CHECK or activated by an SNP transaction a parallelization will not be possible. This is because - a parallelization profile cannot be specified in the case of delta master data initialization triggered by an SNP application - the master process in on-line mode is a dialogue process which undergoes a run time re-striction, thus it is likely that the whole initialization fails because there is insufficient time available for the master process - for DP parallel processing in online mode is not possible. To ensure a common handling of the master data initialization for SNP and DP, we will not support parallel processing in online mode. The consistency check report /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_CONS_CHECK cannot find obsolete master data when parallel processing is chosen. To check for obsolete master data a sequential run must be executed. The master data situation that causes errors is in most cases missing master data.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Consideration of GR times for PPM/PDS-validity
The consideration of GR times for PPM/PDS-validity is different between different applications and R/3: - Optimizer will always use Forward Scheduling instead of Backward Scheduling like in the DM Layer. Therefore we will get deviations regarding the start date of activities. - There is only a harmonization between SNP and CTM. Regarding the Scheduling of activities no breaks between activities are allowed, which can be maintained by the customer in CTM. - In contrast to CTM or PPDS the Optimizer will use the calendar of calendar-resource for schedul-ing activities except for Goods Receipt activities. - In R/3 we have only one calendar, the factory calendar, to schedule the GR Activity. In APO this is the production calendar.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
AFS-SNP: Aggregation and Disaggregation
Single-level Allocation of Receipt and Issue on Sublevel (SKU-Netting): Stock transfer order created by Single-level Allocation of Receipt and Issue on Sublevel will NOT be grouped across different sub location products according to the locations product hierarchy since the header level information for grouping is not available on sub level. For a location product only the location products with are direct external procurement sources are consid-ered to allocate existing receipts (single level). Subsequent sourcing through the network to find and allo-cate existing receipts (multi level) is NOT supported by this function. The allocation is only done for receipts which can be utilized by external procurement. Allocation via in-house production is NOT supported. Disaggregation of transactional data: If the disaggregation should be able to disaggregate the value of each bucket always without any residual, the rounding values on item level have to be all the same within one group and the rounding value on group level has to be a multiple of this. Also the minimum lot size of the group level should be bigger or equal to the minimum lot size on item level. This is only a recommendation. Disaggregation works also without these restrictions. The disaggregation of subcontracting orders, scheduling agreements, VMI orders and planning results from deployment or TLB heuristic are not supported by the disaggregation functionality. Enhancements for Disaggregation of Resource Consumption This new function is only available for production resources. The validity dates (from/to) of the sub-ppms and the validity dates (from/to) of the corresponding header-ppms have to be identical. Extraction of Aggregated Data It will not be possible to extract aggregated data from aggregates 9AACPR, 9ALA, 9AMALA, 9AMALASA, 9AMALOSA, and 9AMAPR. For resource-related aggregates, only the resource hierarchy will be considered.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Stock Transport Order in purchasing applications
This functionality will only be available for purchasing applications that use the business logic of the #new# Purchasing Order (PO) transactions, i. e. # only for stock transport orders (STO), not for stock transport purchase requisitions, not for stock transport scheduling agreements; # only for the #new# purchasing transactions ME21N ff; # only for the #new# mass transaction for automatic creation of purchase orders from requisitions ME59N. The only exception is STO items created from SCM via CIF, because CIF still uses the coding of the #old# PO. Also in this case we would use the new functionality if customizing is set accordingly. If the new functionality is switched on, we could get different results from ATP check depending on the use of the #old# transaction ME22 or the #new# transaction ME22N. Therefore we cannot allow the processing of STOs created with transactions ME21N/ME59N with transaction ME22. Further restriction: As now in purchasing standard, schedule lines will only be created and changed on daily, not on secondly basis.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Stock Transport Order and product interchangeability
The functionality of product interchangeability in Stock Transport Orders (STO)s will not support - purchasing requisitions and scheduling agreements; - old purchase transaction e.g. ME21; - rescheduling in ERP, therefore in fall-back case no rescheduling is possible. It will be only available as part of the defense solution, i. e. for customers with Enterprise Add On for Defense Forces and Public Security (EA-DFPS) switched on. The fallback scenario is only available for defense customers who use an ERP system with DIMP switched on. No manual changes of sub items with exchange material are possible. Therefore the handling in case of inconsistencies between confirmed quantity in STO/delivery and real quantity in warehouse at time of goods issue can only be resolved as follows: - Either deletion and recreation of STO and delivery; or - post goods issue with #real# quantity (reduce delivered quantity), post goods receipt and set delivery complete indicator, correct situation in warehouse, create new STO item.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Excel-Upload in Demand Planning
The solution works only within SCM Demand Planning. Supply Network Planning is not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Auxiliary Key Figures in SNP Planning Areas
Auxiliary key figures cannot be created anymore in APO releases > 3.1. However, if you have done an upgrade from a previous APO release, then you can still use the auxiliary key figures which you have created in previous APO releases < 4.0, but you cannot add any new ones.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Navigation Attributes Can Not be Used in SNP
Navigation attributes cannot be used in SNP. For a detailed explanation, please check note 453644.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
All SNP applications do not consider the fixed material consumption in PPM plan
All SNP applications do not consider the fixed material consumption in PPM plan.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Sourcing of Forecast Process: only working for one-level-supply chain
Sourcing will only work for the customer locations and source location layer connected to the customer locations (one level of the supply chain). The customer locations and transportation lanes (with active flag "relevant for sourcing of forecast process") between source and customer locations have to be maintained as APO master date.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process: Manual changes limited
Manual changes of the sourcing decision or manual sourcing will only be possible for the possible changes of transactional data that exist in SCM 5.0. There is no additional functionality within the sourcing of forecast process. For instance, the sourced forecasts can be changed in the product view (ta: sapapo/rrp3), but this is not reflected and will not update the corresponding allocations (ta: ac42). You have to change these allocations then manually, too.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process: Fixing of sourcing decisions not possible
Automatic or manual fixing of sourcing decisions or parts of the sourcing decision at the source locations is not possible, except for the possible fixing mechanisms that exist in SCM 5.0; in particular, the sourced forecasts cannot be fixed.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process cannot be started from the SNP planning board
Sourcing of Forecast Process cannot be started from the SNP planning board. It can only be started in the background with ta sapapo/snpsrc.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process: hierarchical view of allocation situation is not possible
A hierarchical view of the allocation situation is not possible, because of the standard functionality of allocations. The allocation situation can only be viewed for one characteristic combination at a time (ta /sapapo/ac42).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process is independent of the VMI process
Sourcing is independent of the VMI process and does not interact with it. For a customer location product only VMI or Sourcing is possible, but not both processes to the same time. If the flag "relevant for sourcing" is set at the transportation lane, then the customer location product is relevant for the sourcing of forecast process, otherwise it is relevant for the VMI process.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process is only supported by the SNP Optimizer
The SNP optimizer is the only tool supporting the SOF process. All other applications like e.g. CTM or SNP heuristics do not support this process.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process: transportation lot sizes and capacities not supported
It is not allowed to use transport lot sizes or rounding values for the sourcing process at the lanes between the sources and the customer. Additonally, transportation capacities are not supported, too.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process: different scheduling in SNP optimizer and ATP
The scheduling for determining the material availability date/delivery date of the sales orders during an ATP check and the SNP optimizer considering the transportation lane is different. This can lead to shifts in buckets for the forecast orders at the sources (plants) created by the sourcing process.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process can only be performed in the active version.
The sourcing scenario can only be performed in the active version (#000#).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process: definition of DP planning area; mapping of DP and SNP planning area
The DP planning area has to have the following 4 characteristics: allocation group, product, plant and customer. In the mapping of the DP to the SNP planning area you have to defined the final DP key figure which represents the forecast that should be sourced.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of forecast process: customer consignment and sourcing are not supported simultaneously
Customer consignment: Consignment stock can be held in R/3 and might be transferred via CIF into APO in the case that a customer location is modelled in APO. If a customer location is not modelled in APO, customer stock data is not visible in APO. Customer consignment and sourcing will not be supported simultaneously. The reason is that customer consignment stock could be tracked in APO at the customer location. That would affect the sourcing process what is not intended. Basis of the sourcing process is that there is no transactional data at the customer location.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Sourcing of Forecast Process: no hierarchical consumption
There will be no hierarchical consumption. Consumption for descriptive characteristics is only available for each characteristic combination and for the default value. All forecasts that are not included in the sourcing have to be released using the default value. If you have, for instance, the descriptive characteristics product and sold-to-party for sales orders, the forecast must have the same characteristics. Otherwise, no consumption will take place. The default value can be maintained in consumption group maintenance (ta : /SAPAPO/CSP1) for a characteristic. The idea is to have only specific instances of a characteristic (such as customer) where there are values for in a characteristic combination in DP. All other values will be summarized with the same charateristic value (e.g. 10 specific customers with specific descriptive characteristic values, and 100 unspecific ones that are summarized by one characteristic value).The value used for summarizing is the default value. Although there is no hierarchical functionality on descriptive characteristics, with the default value at least there can be an unspecific group of characteristic value instances , its some kind of very basic work-around for the missing hierarchy functionality. The default value is used in case a characteristic combination with the requested value is not available in DP (it substitutes the requested value).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Interchangeability cannot be used in TLB
TLB does not support interchangeability. Since /TLB is usually used in the very short-term horizon, this might probably not be a real problem in most scenarios.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Interchangeability in Deployment
Deployment interchangeability process has the following restrictions: - Sales orders and forecast data processing on the source location level - IPush by quota arrangement and Push by taking safety stock horizon into account do not consider the interchangeability functionality - Interchangeability is only considered when fair share rule A is used. If fair share rule based on quota, priorities and proportional fulfillment of target stock is used, then processing will switch to fair share rule A automatically. - Lot sizes are not considered (we have the same constraint in the SNP heuristic). - The deployment stock transfers are not removed from the system automatically. The removal should be performed by the report /SAPAPO/RLCDELETE periodically. - Priority calculation in correlation with substitution orders is not supported - Manual changes of the substitution orders are not supported
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Interchangeability: SNP substitutions orders not transferred to ERP
SNP product substitution orders that are generated and linked to SNP planned orders are not transferred to ERP. Product substitutions for distribution demands can also not transferred to the ERP system. If you want to transfer substitution orders to ERP, you have to use PP/DS functionality.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Interchangeability: SNP Heuristics - INC only supported with location heuristic
If you want to use heuristics in SNP, only the location heuristic support the interchangeability functionality. Interchangeability cannot be used in connection with network or multi- level heuristic. However, in transaction //SNP01 you can maintain the location heuristic in the way that its behaviour corresponds to the network or multi-level heuristic.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Interchangeability: BAdI /SAPAPO/SNP_INC_STFW
This BAdI can only be used with fully interchangeable supersession chains with use-up strategy "yes". The use up date should be in the past or no use up date is used, so all receipts could be used by either member of the supersession chain.
Release with restrictions
Advanced Safety Stock Planning Methods
The Advanced Safety Stock Planning Methods (AT, AS, BT, BS) should only be used, if the following conditions apply: Regular Demand: Since the extended methods are based on the assumption of normal distribution they are only applicable to products with a regular and high-volume demand process. Products with a sporadic demand process (e.g., s cannot be planned. Backorder Case: Shortfall quantities are delivered when available (by subsequent delivery), i.e. no demand will e No-Delay Approach: Shortfall quantities that can not be covered by safety stock will be procured by alternative means of the planner If these conditions do not apply, the methods can be used, but the resulting safety stock will be (much) too high/low.
( Changed at 26.02.2008 )
Advanced Safety Stock Planning Methods
The Advanced Safety Stock Planning Methods (AT, AS, BT, BS) should only be used, if the following conditions apply: Backorder Case: Shortfall quantities are delivered when available (by subsequent delivery), i.e. no demand will ever get lost. No-Delay Approach: Shortfall quantities that can not be covered by safety stock will be procured by alternative means of the planner (e.g. express delivery). If these conditions do not apply, the methods can be used, but the resulting safety stock will be (much) too high/low.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Only absolute values can be received by XML PROACT Messages in SAP APO 4.1
The PROACT XML interface can only be used to transfer new absolute values into APO. Wheras the IDOC PROACT allows to trigger relative and absolute values (see below). Whereas, Segment type E1EDP32 of the IDOC PROACT contains the field ACTION, which can have the following characteristic values: 'A' add: value added or subtracted (delta value) 'N' new: creation or transfer of new absolute value
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
In APO-SPP of SCM only 1:1, 1:N and M:1 supersession relationships are supported, N:M is not supported. In SCM 5.0 FFF classes are also not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
MRP areas
Within APO-SPP MRP areas are only used to model contract packagers. A usage of MRP areas for other purposes is not intended. If there an interest for utilizing MRP areas other than contract packager, please contact SAP development
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
TLB and VMI processes of core APO planning functionality
For planning of service parts the Transport Load Builder is not supported. This is true as well for related VMI-scenarios.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
In contrast to SCM-APO-DP / - SNP there is no macro functionality available
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Key Figures
In contrast to SCM-APO-DP / -SNP, key figures and their processing logic are predefined and can not be changed
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Alert Monitor
Alert Monitor is not residing in APO, but as part of the overall shortage analysis within ICH. ICH is the focal point for the planner to evaluate the planning situation
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Procurement Relationships / Transportation Lanes
Within SCM-APO-SPP only Scheduling agreements and contracts, which are flagged "externally planned" in ERP are supported
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
In the current SPP solution planning of subcontracting is only supported in context of a "repair or buy" scenario
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In the current SPM solution a Kit-to-order process is supported across several solution components. From a planning perspective supply of the kit components is planned. However, within SPP there is no planning functionality to create a planned order for a kit-to-stock scenario
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Capacity Constraints
In the SPP solution there is no capacity planning functionality (i.e. handling, warehouse, transportation). The only exception is the process of remanufacturing, where in DRP capacity constraints communicated from supplier are taken into account in DRP pl
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Simultaneuos usage of SCM-APO-SPP and core SCM-APO planning functionality
It is not intended to use (simulataneously) APO-SPP-DRP and APO-SNP or APO-SPP-Deployment and APO-Deployment respectively for the same part/location combination. A simultaneous usage of both will lead - due to different logic of planning philosophies and algorithms - to inconsistent planning results.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Solution Component Architecture
General requirements regarding system landscape components and their release versions for utilization of full capabilities of Service Parts Management functionality are listed in Release Note 821101.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Forecasting on part location-level
In SCM-APO-SPP the forecast is always and exclusively based on the combination of part and location. In contrast to APO-DP it is for example not paossible to flexibly generate a forecast on an aggregated level, i.e. product group level, and subsequently to disgaggregate this forecast on part location level. However, within SCM 5.0 APO-SPP-Forecasting and APO-DP are integrated on a data layer. This means, that key figures from APO-SPP can be read from APO-DP and Forecast results (key figures) generated/ changed in APO-DP may be copied back to APO-SPP. This integration possibility would have to be used, if scenarios are supposed to be used, which generate forecasts on an other tha part / location level.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration SPP - APO-DP
In an integrated scenario, where SPP is used for forecasting on part / location level and DP for i.e. (interactive) forecasting an additional aggregated levels, separate planning object structures and Infocubes have to be used and modelled. In the standard solution realignment in SPP for example does not automatically lead to a realignment of corresponding data in APO-DP. Realignment in APO-DP does also not automatically lead to a realignment of corresponding data in SPP. For this a customer-specific solution has to be implemented, ensuring that relevant realignments executed in SPP are consistently reflected in APO-DP.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Demand based on sales orders (customer orders) only
The current SPP process of capture demand only extracts and manages demand history, which is related to sales orders. Demand coming from service orders or other sources may be extracted into APO-BW, however - currently there is no predefined functionality to handle demand from other objects than sales orders. Furthermore in SC-APO-SPP 5.0 forecasting is exclusively based on demand . Forecasting on basis o installed base information and leading indicators is not part of the solution.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration SPP - APO-PP/DS
Integration is not tested and not intended. Please note, that especially the use of the product view for interactive processing is not supported. Furthermore the SPP is not able to create / handle planned (manufacturing) orders as well as dependent requirements resulting from BoM explosion.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration SPP - ERP (refurbishment process)
Repair or Buy: in the integrated end-to-end scenario the planned order (for repair) - generated in SPP - will be transferred will be transferred to ERP and to a certain point in time converted to a refurbishment order. During the conversion the Bill of Material is reexploded, determining the components suggested in the refurbishment order. This means the input items from the planned order are lost. To ensure consistency between planning and execution is therefore to have the Bill of Material in ERP synchronized with the PDS information in APO, regarding the planning-relevant input items. Repair or Buy: From an end-to-end scenario perspective and due to the current process concept for refurbishement and subcontarctinbg in ERP, "repair-to" scenarios are not supported. This means that ERP requires to repair the same material (A) is subject to the repair process, not potentially other unserviceable materials (for example B). Repair or Buy: In the current SPP-DRP solution, unserviceable qts. in other locations than the loaction the part is planned in DRP planning are not taken into account to allow the creation of repair orders (vs. "new buy" orders). Repair or Buy: In the current solution there is no Inventory Balancing functionality for unserviceable qts. Supported, creating Stock transfers to move unserviceable qts. From one location to another location within the BoD
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
FFF classes
FFF classes: The Interchangeability Master Data allow to setup FFF subgroups per FFF class and per location. In a subgroup the relevant products out of the main FFF class are declared and a leading product is named. While the various locations can certainly have different number of products in their sub group, it is not supported to name different leading products in sub groups of a FFF class. The same leading product has to be declared in all sub groups.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Scheduling of receipt elements in APO-SPP and ERP
Depending on Customizing scheduling in APO-SPP and in ERP 2005 may not lead to the same, consistent results.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Shelf life
Shelf life is not supported In SCM-APO-SPP
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Characteristics-based planning, variant products and descriptive characteristics
Characteristics-based planning, variant configuration and descriptive characteristics are not supported within APO SPP in SCM 5.0
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
No support for industry specific distribution scenario for replenishment
The DFPS solution supports a distribution scenario between 2 ERP systems where a STO is replicated from 1 system to the other. The limitation is that during the extraction of the STOs out of the 2 systems it is not prevented that the STO are extratcted in a duplicate manner (Because they are present in each one of teh 2 systems but shall only once appear in the requirement history.).
( Changed at 07.05.2008 )
Release with restrictions
Consumption of forecast by customer orders
Within APO-SPP there is no option of consuming forecast by effective customer orders. Supply planning is solely driven by actual forecast figures and potentially additional demand types as fixed requirements, future dated orders
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Modelling of containers
Modelling of containers: SAP discourages from choosing a modelling approach, in which containers are modelled as trailers.
( Changed at 30.06.2008 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
TP/VS Order Split
TPVS SCM 5.0 Order split functionality will be restricted to following order types: sales order, purchase order, stock transfer order, VMI sales order, outbound delivery (outbound delivery - only for R/3 releases 4.7 and later). Important characteristic of TPVS order split is that no schedule lines are generated per splitted freight units/deliveries. Therefore, if APO gATP has to determine MAD date using TPVS planning results, it may use only one of possible several TPVS shipment dates (in particular the earliest good#s issue date for MAD determination). It is not possible to combine items which belong to different orders into one freight unit. It may only be done using ship_with functionality. It is only possible to create up to 9999 split freight units for one order. Applying splitting rules before optimization may lead to increasing complexity of optimization problem. Therefore package size should be set as large as possible in particular shipping process. If freight unit requested delivery dates are changed in transaction /sapapo/vssp, corresponding order dates are not changed in OLTP system. Freight unit quantities can be manually increased to values, which in total exceed original order quantities (overdelivery). In this case delivery(ies) can only be created with these quantities, if overdelivery doesn't exceed tolerance specified in sales order (or unlimited tolerance indicator is set). Otherwise deliveries are created for available quantities only. If quantity costs (LTL costs) are used based on transportation lanes, it is required, that all cost units of measure for all lanes for the same Means of Transport have the same Dimension. Control rules: if deliveries are created manually in OLTP for order planned in TPVS which was splitted into several freight units, adjustment of shipments is not performed, in particular, deliveries do not replace corresponding freight units in shipments. It is recommended always to create deliveries in OLTP from TPVS, if sales orders are being planned on TPVS shipments. The usage of characteristics information is limited to SD-objects (Sales Orders and Deliveries). The usage of shipping points is limited to SD-objects (Sales Orders and Deliveries). The usage of one-time addresses is limited to SD-objects (Sales Orders and Deliveries).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Dynamic Route Determination (DRD) from the ERP system
Dynamic route determination is called in the global availability check (only) when a sales document from the ERP system (R/3 system as of Release 4.6C) is processed. (This function is not available for deliveries or CRM documents.) For further information about the documentation and restrictions regarding this topic check note 307611.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Carrier Selection - Continuous move
The information of continous move shipments is not displayed in all releases, please check documentation for more detail. For continous move shipments, the round trips are restricted to two shipments.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Using of deliveries with multiple pick-up locations
If delieveries are transferred from SAP R/3 side to SAP APO, the delivery must not contain more than one pick-up location. As deliveries are consolidated for transportation planning, only one location can be taken into account. In case multiple locations are assigned (e.g. for items produced in different plants), the first location will be taken into account.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Carrier Selection - Businee share
The business share (within carrier selection) applies only to shipments that are taken into account by optimizer.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
TP/VS Order Split - Maximum break for loading/unloading
Maximum breaks for loading/unloading may not be always correctly respected by optimizer in case of deconsolidation to freight units of package size.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Collaborative Management of Scheduling Agreement Releases (CMDS) does not work in combination with SAP TP/VS.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
Assigning Locations to Multiple Transshipment Locations
By using the hierarchy structure type Extended Hierarchy, now in hierarchy master data a location, e.g. a plant can be assigned to multiple transshipment locations. In this way, several alternative itineraries can be mapped with different transshipment locations. SAP TP/VS optimization still cannot take this into account, however. Therefore compatibilities for transshipment locations must be defined, for example, between order characteristics and transshipment location or means of transport and transshipment location. These compatibilities must be defined in such a way that a unique relationship between the transshipment location and the source/destination location is passed on to the optimizer. For further information please see note 397475. Under specific conditions it could be possible to use alternative routes that are taken into account by the optimizer. To check if this is feasible for your process, please contact Development via OSS message component SCM-APO-VS-OPT.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Planning of returns
Please take care of the following restrictions applying to the use of returns: SAP R/3 side: - No Meaningful Scheduling with Returns and Returns Deliveries - No Returns Items in Standard Orders and Outbound Deliveries - No Returns Items for External Plants (SAP R/3 4.7) Returns with Special Stocks (see note 445241) - No Normal Items in Returns SAP APO side: - No Updating of Returns No Updating of Returns Deliveries - No Requirements Planning for Planned Receipts from Returns - No product allocation
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration of SAP R/3 with TP/VS
The handling of shipments between SAP APO and SAP R/3 must be known to create a smooth handling of the planning process. Please see note 448487 for details. SAP TP/VS Integration with SAP R/3 4.6B : Please contact SAP TP/VS Development. SAP TP/VS Integration with SAP R/3 below 4.6B : not supported.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration of multiple R/3 Systems with SAP TP/VS
The following scenario is not supported by SAP TP/VS 5.0: Integration of two or more SAP R/3 Systems with SAP TP/VS in order to plan and create planned shipments with mixed shipment stages of both SAP R/3 systems. T he split of the shipments and update from SAP R/3 in case of changes is not supported. Reason: the transportation object on SAP APO side does have a complete different data structure with regard to the transportation object on SAP R/3 side.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
User Exit at carrier assignment
Currently no User Exit in the area of function module call /SAPAPO/VS_SHIPMENT_PUBLISH (as in transaction /SAPAPO/VS511 is available. This means no enhancements regarding the standard process: "publishing shipments to a carrier" may be performed (E.g. for preventing shipments to be published without a carrier assigned).
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
"Ship With" Indicator
Orders or deliveries can be combined in the interactive planning view by combining the corresponding freight units. Therefore unplanned freight units that are to be delivered together have to be assigned to a freight unit. This freight unit becomes the main freight unit. The optimizer then only takes this main freight unit into account. The system marks the assigned freight units with the "Ship with indicator". Only compatibility rules without reference to means of transport can be taken into account. A transport unit that is marked as "main" transport unit cannot be assigned as "sub" transport unit to another "main" transport unit. The assignment can only be done for unplanned transport units.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Map display in SAP TP/VS
The request to the Internet Graphics Server (IGS) is limited to ten shipments. For display of maps the installation and connection of the Geographical Information System (GIS) server and the IGS is mandatory. The accuracy of the calculated distances and durations depends on the GIS provider. Also the accuracy of the road map depends on that of the used GIS data.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
SAP TP/VS Optimization Volume
Depending on the volume of data used within one optimization performance or memory problems could occur. Please clarify the following data: orders inside optimization horizon: Dimensions Transportation groups Involved locations (including hubs) Involved hubs Means of transport Available vehicles Average Number of breaks per vehicle Schedule-based means of transport Average Number of stops per schedule based means of transport Available schedule vehicles Opening time resources Average number of open intervals per opening time resource Loading resources Average number of breaks per loading resource Please use TP/VS Optimizer Sheet on the Service Marketplace (SCM Technology area). If degree of complexity is high, please contact Development via an OSS message component SCM-APO-OPT-VS.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Use of schedules
Still some restrictions apply for the use of schedules for SAP APO as part of SCM 5.0. Please see note 483297 for details.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
PPDS-PPM transfer of R/3 data changes (ECM):CF7- Modification
OSS Note 453198 "PPM: Transferring BOM components without a key date" also known as CF7 solution.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration of workcenters with APO CIF
Following functionalities are not supported with the integration of workcenters with APO CIF: ***************************************************************** Transfer of APO resources into R/3 capacities. A CIF like one to one transfer of shift sequences, shifts and breaks. A one to one mapping of R/3-like capacity intervals to any corresponding APO object. R/3 maintenance of APO objects used by the APO resource (like e.g. set up matrix) Retransfer of objects which may depend on changes of R/3 workcenters or capacities (like transfer of routing when standard value key has changed)
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration of SNP Planned Orders
Outside of the SNP- production horizon changes regarding partial released planned orders into production orders are not transferred from R/3 to APO. The initial load from R/3 to APO always creates PP/DS planned orders for the order types: make to order production, engineer-to-order production and planned independent requirement with type 'VP'. This behavior is independent from the value of the field 'Create Planned Orders as SNP Planned Orders' at the screen to activate the integration model. The deletion or creation of planned orders always is transferred from R/3 to APO.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Availability of stock types for pegging
The functionality does not include full CIF integration between the customizing of availability of stock in R/3 and the location product master data in APO. The fields to set the availability of stock types are added to the CIF structures. But in standard, they are not filled from table T399D to protect the more detailed configuration in APO master data. The update through CIF can be achieved by implementing a customer-exit. In standard, the default settings are used for all location products in APO.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Overlapping: Flow manufacturing & interoperation time in the production order
Please refer to OSS Note 604878 which is frequently updated with the latest information.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Inspection lots in APO
Changeability in APO Inspection lots cannot be created, changed and deleted in APO. This implies that inspection lots are sent from R/3 to APO only and never from APO to R/3. The only option to delete inspection lots in APO will be offered by the CCR tool. Link to the manufacturing or purchase order: In R/3, each inspection lot has a field indicating from which manufacturing order or purchase order the goods receipt which created the inspection lot was done. In APO, we will not have such a link. The inspection lot in APO does not have and does not show the information which manufacturing order or purchase order was its origin. However, inspections lots particitpate in the logics of preserving fixed pegging relationships that can be used since SCM 4.1. Changes on batch characteristic values during the life time of the inspection lot: When the inspection lot is assigned to a batch, it will take over the the batch characteristic values in APO only if the values are maintained before or when the inspection lot is created. Any changes to the batch characteristic values during the lifetime of the inspection lot in R/3 will not be taken over into the inspection lot in APO. The unrestricted stock which is created with a positive usage decision in R/3 will take over the batch characteristic values in APO. Prerequisites for taking over batch characteristics with inspection lots : Activating an integration model for inspection lots does not automatically trigger that batch characteristic valuations are sent in advance. This is achieved with activating an integration model for stocks. Reconciliation reports etc. in R/3: After any reconciliation report run in R/3 which has an impact on inspection lots and / or QM stocks ... the CCR tool must be started to reconcile the situation between APO an ... and in case of deletion of inspection stocks in R/3, the tool from the switch concept to get rid of super numerous inspection stocks in APO ( in R/3, the tool from the Inspection lots excluded from APO integration: Not covered by this integration concept are.............. Inspection lots which are do not have the status Quantity posting posting required (e.g. inspection lots for in-production checks, inspection lots for planned orders,#.). Inspection lots for handling units (R/3 Handling Unit Management)
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Remaining duration adjustments
RESTRICTIONS The solution covers adjustments of the Remaining Durations in APO exclusively. The current R/3 confirmation doesn't reduce capacity requirements level in APO. This will not change with the new solution even if in R/3 the capacity requirement reduction takes place. The part of the R/3 capacity requirements for production order integration without PPM/RTO in APO remains unchanged. The solution is only valid for PP-production ordres, not for PPPI-process orders or repetitive manufacturing orders. (For process orders in R/3 release 4.70 the capacity requirement reduction can be configured similar to the PP-workcenters in R/3 but these customizing isn't valid for the confirmations). Partial confirmation of an activity allows the maintenance of a forecast finish (date) or adjusted defaulted forecast values. These values are not transfered to APO and therefore APO doesn't expect that the left activity differentiate from the original planned activity.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Customizing CIF in APO
Some Customizing Settings depend on the target system. In these cases, you cannot transport them from the test/quality system into the productive system.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration R/3 source list
It is possible to specify a supplying plant in the source list instead of a external supplier. This type of source list records will not be integrated with APO # they will simply be left out. Source list records which specifies a supplying plant are not integrated . Changes in source lists will not immediate transfered. Transfer of the source list can only be triggered by periodicall processing the change pointers.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Deletion of R/3 Orders, Orders created not by BAPIs
# As default it will not be possible to remove orders, which are marked as R/3 orders. As there might be scenarios (e.g. testing) where it still might be useful, this function should be easily activated (e.g. modification) by an administrator/developer. # As default it will not be possible to remove orders, which were not created using BAPIs (e.g. inspection lots, #). # The deletion of objects is not communicated to external (R/3) systems. That means no events are sent.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Deleted Orders will not be transferred
# Deleted orders will not be transferred. This is also the case if e.g. events exist for these orders. # Which transaction data can be transferred depends on the used BAPIs. Only the data provided for these BAPIs can be transferred. This does also mean, that eventually not all transaction data can be transferred.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Phantom components not supported for RTO-Integration
Phantom components are not supported for RTO integration. The subcontractor location is not integrated with the similar R/3-subcontracting MRP-Area. The subconstracor is APO stand alone and has to be created manually in APO.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Risk of inconsistency with CIF CCR by VMI Orders with extended scheduling
You can now use the /SAPAPO/CIF_DELTAREPORT3 report to delete VMI sales (with errors) that cannot be transferred to SAP R/3. Problems can occur if MBDAT in APO is unequal MBDAT in R/3 Solution: implementation of a BADI /sapapo/cif_delta3 The BAdI /SAPAPO/CIF_DELTA3 can be used to determine which SAP R/3 and SAP APO objects are to be compared using the compare/reconcile function (transaction /SAPAPO/CCR) of the Core Interface (CIF). -> Example code is available
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Collaborative Planning
Link to Alert Monitor from CLPSDP (Coll. DP/SNP) using the ITS parameter ~URLamon is not supported in the workflow scenario and in the CLPSDP session which is started from Collaborative Alert Monitor.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Collaborative Supply and Demand Planning
Limitations for Selection Shuffler function in Coll. Demand and Supply Planning - The maximum number of the conditions which can be specified is 20, as in Interactive Planning. - The selection which is created in Collaborative Planning will be assigned to the user who created it, directly under the user folder in the selection profile. It is not supported to store the selection under the subfolder.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
BAPI: ProcurementOrderAPS
Restrictions regarding CreateFromSNP method (creating SNP / Deployment purchase requisition) # Only the limited location types (Production plant / Distribution center) will be supported for source and target location in this BAPI. # VMI order / scenario is out of focus in this project, the customer location (Location type 1010 for Customer ) will not be supported as source and target location. # The following objects will not be supported as a source of supply: - Subcontract - Scheduling Agreement - Contract # The method ProcurementOrderAPS.CreateFromSNP does not support the maintenance of Deployment Purchase order, but only Purchase requisition. (The object type will be decided depends on the SNP customizing #Configure Transfer to OLTP systems#) Restrictions regarding Event Control # If the Event (Change pointer) should be generated by BAPI, the Internal number assignment has to be used during the creation of orders. This means that the parameter EXT_NUMBER_ASSIGNMENT has to contain the fixed value # #
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
System Spanning scheduling APO - R/3 for stock transport orders
This solution will not ensure that there will be the same dates calculated if you have the same product/plant if you create the stock transport orders/stock transport requisitions in APO or R/3. The solution will be provided for stock transport requisitions and stock transport orders
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Performance Im-provements in CIF Deltareport
The parallelization of data selection will not be available for stocks, transports and maintenance&service planning.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Integration and Usage of De-fense-specific Data
# The advice code and the new requirement priority are not displayed in SCM planning tables # The integration of force elements and supply relationships will only be availably if the DFPS ADD-ON is installed and activated in the SAP ERP system. # The manual change of the advice code of an item does not trigger a new automatically ATP check even if the new advice code could due to other ATP results. The new advice code settings are only taken into account if the ATP check is executed manually. # The advice code and the new requirement priority are not displayed in SCM planning tables # The integration of force elements and supply relationships will only be availably if the DFPS ADD-ON is installed and activated in the SAP ERP system. # The manual change of the advice code of an item does not trigger a new automatically ATP check even if the new advice code could due to other ATP results. The new advice code settings are only taken into account if the ATP check is executed manually.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Stock Transport Order in purchasing applications
This functionality will only be available for purchasing applications that use the business logic of the new Purchasing Order (PO) transactions, i. e. # only for stock transport orders (STO), not for stock transport purchase requisitions and not for stock transport scheduling agreements; # only for the new purchasing transactions ME21N ff; # only for the new mass transaction for automatic creation of purchase orders from requisitions ME59N. The only exception is STO items created from SCM via CIF, because CIF still uses the coding of the #old# PO. Also in this case we would use the new functionality if customizing is set accordingly. If the new functionality is switched on, we could get different results from ATP check depending on the use of the old transaction ME22 or the new transaction ME22N. Therefore we cannot allow the processing of STOs created with transactions ME21N/ME59N with transaction ME22. Further restriction: As now in purchasing standard, schedule lines will only be created and changed on daily, not on secondly basis.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Stock Transport Order and product interchangeability
The functionality of product interchangeability in Stock Transport Orders (STO)s will not support - purchasing requisitions and scheduling agreements; - old purchase transaction e.g. ME21; - rescheduling in ERP, therefore in fall-back case no rescheduling is possible. It will be only available as part of the defense solution, i. e. for customers with Enterprise Add On for Defense Forces and Public Security (EA-DFPS) switched on. The fallback scenario is only available for defense customers who use an ERP system with DIMP switched on. No manual changes of sub items with exchange material are possible. Therefore the handling in case of inconsistencies between confirmed quantity in STO/delivery and real quantity in warehouse at time of goods issue can only be resolved as follows: - Either deletion and recreation of STO and delivery; or - post goods issue with #real# quantity (reduce delivered quantity), post goods receipt and set delivery complete indicator, correct situation in warehouse, create new STO item.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Shelf life attributes in ERP
Only the enjoy transactions ME51N, ME52N and ME53N / ME21N, ME22N, ME23N can be used to process the shelf life attributes of the POs/PRs.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
PPDS-PPM transfer of R/3 data changes (ECM)
Please check following notes before you use the PPM transfer of changes functionality: 508773 Composite SAP note for CORE - transfer of data changes 508779 Composite SAP note for PPM transfer of data changes
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Transformation of R/3 master recipe to APO
Relationships between phases of different recipes won't be supported. No material quantity calculation. No product flow (container resource)
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Characteristic propagation (CDP)and PPM
The object dependencies of R/3 are not transferred to APO. The CDP definitions and characteristic propagation have to be maintained manually in APO. Bill of materials and routings in R/3 must be Maximal bill of materials and maximal routings. Object dependencies may only linked to non APO relevant components/operations. If nevertheless object dependencies exist the retransfer will lead to inconsistencies. If you want to run preliminary costing you need to create a separate CO- bill of material/routing. If a node (operation in the routing/ component Bill of material) is being deleted in R/3 and then the PPM (which already exists in APO) is again ciff'ed (retransferred) you 'll lose the CDP-definitions in the node in the APO-PPM plan- usually the PPM plan gets inconsistent and nerd to be remaintained in APO. Please see also the OSS note 495825. Please note that since APO 4.1, the PDS (product data structure) is available in conjunction with CDP to integrate BOMs and routings including knowledge dependencies from R/3 to APO, as an alternative. For integration of characteristics and class master data for CDP, cf. note 714929.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Integration to EWM and sea freight booking
If you want to import deliveries from EWM, it is only possible to handle shipments which have one product per position if you use a sea freight booking. The weight information only exists on position-level, not on product level. For further processing it is necessary to know the weight of the product. Shipments, which are generated by deliveries from EWM, contain at the moment one position, which can contain several products. For the conversion from EWM deliveries to TM shipments, there are BADIs available, whose implementations allow modifications of this conversion. With this it would be able to use all deliveries for sea freight booking.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Multiple currency handling not supported for F&R
Business Background Most currency related data is converted in SAP F&R to a common client currency. Retail companies have typically different currencies they are dealing with: Depending on vendors they know many different currencies for products they buy (e.g. overseas procurement) Typically purchase prices, scales, restrictions and resulting purchase orders and invoices are negotiated and created in the vendor#s currency This is also common for national retailers Purchase conditions can depend on vendor (supplying location) , receiving location and product (and many other criteria#) Depending on the sales markets/distribution chains retailers operate, there are different sales prices for location products Resulting Problems Usability A user cannot maintain or see currency related fields as they exist in reality, e.g. a vendor minimum order value in the vendors currency HKD will be converted in EUR. Conversion discrepancies As data will be converted during inbound processing if the currency is different than the client currency and a currency conversion may take place at different points in time, different underlying conversion rates will be used. This can lead to less data accuracy.
( Changed at 11.11.2008 )
SAP F&R and other SAP SCM Applications cannot be run in the same client
F&R uses its own framework with a specific interface logic and its own data enrichment. Due to this given fact, a data consistence cannot be insured during an interaction with other components.
( Changed at 12.11.2008 )
"The connection between SAP F&R 5.1 and SAP ERP is restricted to SAP ERP 6.0 EhP2 and higher. In SAP ERP 6.0 the Enterprise Extension: EA-Retail as well as the Business Function Set SAP Retail have to be activated. Alternatively both settings can be activated with the function SFW5."
( Changed at 20.11.2008 )
Release with restrictions
BI release
The lowest release BI release that can be used for F&R 5.1 = BI content 3.52 / 3.53 (Refer to note 731215).
( Changed at 27.11.2007 )
Missing moving average cost (MAC)
In case a lower version than BI 7.03 is used the following applies: MAC = Moving Average Cost is used in our F&R Analytics BI Content to evaluate several KPIs at moving average cost. Currently the MAC is not provided by the BI Content 7.0.2 or any lower releases. History: The MAC was planned to be delivered by Standard BW Content, as part of the attributes of 0MATPLANT. The plan changed, no MAC information was delivered as part of the Standard BW Content. List of object that are affected by the missing moving average cost (MAC) in our F&R analytics BI content: We also use these attributes (i.e. Moving Average cost attributes of Info Object 0MAT_PLANT) in our Gross Margin Return on Investment report, here we use the POS Info Cube 0RPA_C02 (Store/Article/Week) and the key figure Cost in Cost Value (0RPA_CST, which is at moving average) to calculate (through calculated key figures) several other F&R key figures like: Weekly consumption at cost Weekly average stock at cost Gross margin percentage and GMROI (Gross margin return on investment) Starting with BI 7.03 a standard solution for the MAC through the new delta enabled Data Source is provided: 0RT_MBEW_ATTR. This Data Source is connected to both 0MAT_PLANT and 0RT_DS01, a DSO that holds material/plant attributes.
( Changed at 30.08.2007 )
Release with restrictions
Changed RTC
Change of RTC from 31.Aug 2007 to 30.Nov.2007 with SAP SCM 2007 SP03
SAP F&R 5.1 is available with SAP SCM 2007 SP03 RTC 30.Nov.2007.
( Changed at 17.09.2008 )
Header Data
Release Status: | Released for Customer |
Released on: | 13.04.2010 09:49:28 |
Master Language: | English |
Priority: | Recommendations/additional info |
Category: | Consulting |
Primary Component: | SCM-CA-PER SCM Performance Cross Application |
Affected Releases
Related Notes